Police Suggestion Officer's and Senior Officer's being too weak.

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Brief description of idea: Police officer's(rank) and senior officer's are to weak to fight with the heavily armed suspects because they have ak's, explosive's and good gun scopes but on the police side officer and senior officer's just have a pistol that has a low rate of fire and a 3-4 shot to kill. My suggestion is to add a plate carrier in PD vehicle's so that officer's can equip it when a big gunfight erupts.

And also the permission of a shotgun and taser usage is too high. At least let senior officer's use a shotgun, officer's taser.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: officer's and senior officer's will have much fun when playing because they will be able to fight back rather then just getting one tapped

What potential negatives could this have for the department: i cant think of it

Other additions: no ty
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This is a terrible idea Senior Officers still aren't at a high enough level to be trusted with much
I'm afraid you misunderstand a few things. Police are not meant to be seen as Militarized so arming everyone with plate carriers wouldn't seem very realistic. Also, your service pistol is in case you need to use it in the act of self-defense it's not meant to be the top-of-the-line pistol, in addition, you get new weapons when you rank up. Also if we gave every SO A shotgun I'm sure we will be seeing the entire PD Walking around with a shotgun on their back. Also, we have TFU For situations such as shootouts and are giving plenty of equipment including full armour, A SWAT Van which is extremely bulletproof. So when you are a Senior Officer you can apply to become TFU When the cycle is open again.
Officers and seniors are perfectly capable to deal with a multitude of situations, it just requires you to use your smarts.
Police officer's(rank) and senior officer's are to weak to fight with the heavily armed suspects because they have ak's, explosive's and good gun scopes but on the police side officer and senior officer's just have a pistol that has a low rate of fire and a 3-4 shot to kill. My suggestion is to add a plate carrier in PD vehicle's so that officer's can equip it when a big gunfight erupts.

And also the permission of a shotgun and taser usage is too high. At least let senior officer's use a shotgun, officer's taser.
I present to you
One shot to kill
I'm afraid you misunderstand a few things. Police are not meant to be seen as Militarized so arming everyone with plate carriers wouldn't seem very realistic. Also, your service pistol is in case you need to use it in the act of self-defense it's not meant to be the top-of-the-line pistol, in addition, you get new weapons when you rank up. Also if we gave every SO A shotgun I'm sure we will be seeing the entire PD Walking around with a shotgun on their back. Also, we have TFU For situations such as shootouts and are giving plenty of equipment including full armour, A SWAT Van which is extremely bulletproof. So when you are a Senior Officer you can apply to become TFU When the cycle is open again.
`arming everyone with plate carriers wouldn't seem very realistic.` you are actually so wrong, police officer's have plate carrier's in their trunks just incase a shooting happens.

"Also if we gave every SO A shotgun I'm sure we will be seeing the entire PD Walking around with a shotgun on their back." then make a PD rule that no SO shall have their shotgun behind their back, if they dont listen just give them a punishment.
I present to you
One shot to kill
first of all he doesnt know where you are so he doesnt peek to you. Second ITS A HEADSHOT KILL AND HE'S NOT MOVING AT ALL WHEN YOU SHOOT HIM SO IT'S AN EASY TARGET TO KILL.
first of all he doesnt know where you are so he doesnt peek to you. Second ITS A HEADSHOT KILL AND HE'S NOT MOVING AT ALL WHEN YOU SHOOT HIM SO IT'S AN EASY TARGET TO KILL.
I killed 2 suspect there, both headshots, I got killed by the 3rd suspect because a handcuffed man was giving info to him, imagine if there were 2 officers there? The raid would've been unsuccessful.
`arming everyone with plate carriers wouldn't seem very realistic.` you are actually so wrong, police officer's have plate carrier's in their trunks just incase a shooting happens.

"Also if we gave every SO A shotgun I'm sure we will be seeing the entire PD Walking around with a shotgun on their back." then make a PD rule that no SO shall have their shotgun behind their back, if they dont listen just give them a punishment.
So your suggesting make an entire new vest item? Either way, your armour can sustain enough shots, you are likely getting shot down via headshots.
hen make a PD rule that no SO shall have their shotgun behind their back, if they dont listen just give them a punishment.

There is already a policy in place for that, however, once your a Corporal you are entrusted with some supervisory powers so Corporals are trusted not to misuse the shotgun. Senior Officer only requires some OR's and a supervised patrol and there you go, you're a SO. But with Corporal applications, they are put through a meeting to determine if you would be a good fit or not.
So your suggesting make an entire new vest item? Either way, your armour can sustain enough shots, you are likely getting shot down via headshots.

There is already a policy in place for that, however, once your a Corporal you are entrusted with some supervisory powers so Corporals are trusted not to misuse the shotgun. Senior Officer only requires some OR's and a supervised patrol and there you go, you're a SO. But with Corporal applications, they are put through a meeting to determine if you would be a good fit or not.
"Either way, your armour can sustain enough shots" https://streamable.com/9lbvz9
"Either way, your armour can sustain enough shots" https://streamable.com/9lbvz9
`arming everyone with plate carriers wouldn't seem very realistic.` you are actually so wrong, police officer's have plate carrier's in their trunks just incase a shooting happens.

"Also if we gave every SO A shotgun I'm sure we will be seeing the entire PD Walking around with a shotgun on their back." then make a PD rule that no SO shall have their shotgun behind their back, if they dont listen just give them a punishment.

Seniors will never get shotguns, if you want heavier firearms, join TFu when you get senior officer.
I killed 2 suspect there, both headshots, I got killed by the 3rd suspect because a handcuffed man was giving info to him, imagine if there were 2 officers there? The raid would've been unsuccessful.
you got those kill because you were defending and you have a decent cover. Imagine entering an apartment that is full of armed guys inside of it and they are behind a cover and you're not.
you got those kill because you were defending you have cover. Imagine entering an apartment that is full of armed guys inside of it and they are behind a cover and you're not.
Then if available let TFU handle the situation that's what their job is.
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