Police Suggestion Officer's and Senior Officer's being too weak.

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Brief description of idea: Police officer's(rank) and senior officer's are to weak to fight with the heavily armed suspects because they have ak's, explosive's and good gun scopes but on the police side officer and senior officer's just have a pistol that has a low rate of fire and a 3-4 shot to kill. My suggestion is to add a plate carrier in PD vehicle's so that officer's can equip it when a big gunfight erupts.

And also the permission of a shotgun and taser usage is too high. At least let senior officer's use a shotgun, officer's taser.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: officer's and senior officer's will have much fun when playing because they will be able to fight back rather then just getting one tapped

What potential negatives could this have for the department: i cant think of it

Other additions: no ty
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you got those kill because you were defending and you have a decent cover. Imagine entering an apartment that is full of armed guys inside of it and they are behind a cover and you're not.
Why would you ever do that if you're not tfu?
i wrote that because everybody says the same thing but it just doesnt make any sense
Because I've explained, SO Doesn't require mich and all you have given is a Taser and the ability to apply for TFU, but when you are a CPL Your expected to take the lead of situations and handle supervisor calls if no supervisor is available. What I am saying is CPL Has a lot of responsibility therefore can be trusted with a shotgun. You can find the Policy here.
he's gonna get killed too so eventually i will have to get in there
Not necessarily you could be doing the PD A favour by not going into a shootout if you're outgunned. Simply make a note of things like vehicles that were involved and any description of any suspects. After gaining these details you can then give them to a Supervisor when they're back alive so they can place a warrant. Is all about playing smart you don't need to rush into things, you'll just get yourself killed, I mean what do you think you're going to do when there are several armed gunmen with assault rifles and you just have a pistol.
Because I've explained, SO Doesn't require mich and all you have given is a Taser and the ability to apply for TFU, but when you are a CPL Your expected to take the lead of situations and handle supervisor calls if no supervisor is available. What I am saying is CPL Has a lot of responsibility therefore can be trusted with a shotgun. You can find the Policy here.
okey look i get the shotgun thing but officer's not having a taser is such a BAD idea. A fist fight happens and i go there to stop it but then i realise that i cant do anything because i don't have a taser so i just use my night stick but it's not that effective and its risky to get too close to the suspect(s).
Not necessarily you could be doing the PD A favour by not going into a shootout if you're outgunned. Simply make a note of things like vehicles that were involved and any description of any suspects. After gaining these details you can then give them to a Supervisor when they're back alive so they can place a warrant. Is all about playing smart you don't need to rush into things, you'll just get yourself killed, I mean what do you think you're going to do when there are several armed gunmen with assault rifles and you just have a pistol.
sounds right
okey look i get the shotgun thing but officer's not having a taser is such a BAD idea. A fist fight happens and i go there to stop it but then i realise that i cant do anything because i don't have a taser so i just use my night stick but it's not that effective and its risky to get too close to the suspect(s).
There are already plans to make a Taser whitelist application available to all officers. You can view this here.
And also the permission of a shotgun and taser usage is too high. At least let senior officer's use a shotgun, officer's taser.
It really isn't. All this sounds like is that you want equipment that you can't access because you can't rank up for whatever reason.

I was around when every officer only had pistols and the only rifles we had were S.W.A.T who had a max of 4.

Taser I can partly agree with which is why, in blueduck, an application will be avaliable.

Shotgun wise, it will never be moved down to SO. If you really wanted it, you can become senior officer, apply for TFU and use those firearms when in gear.
All this sounds like is that you want equipment that you can't access because you can't rank up for whatever reason.
I have 1 OR currently and i will get the other and i haven't played total of 3 day's that's why i can't rank up to a SO, im currenly at 2 days 13-14 hour's or something.
The PD already has TFU which is accessible to seniors who pass the test which serves the purpose of this suggestion well. If cops received access to bigger firearms in larger numbers the balance would tip disproportionately and all it will do is make all the newer / weaker players lose, players who are killing you daily with rifles will likely keep doing so even if you got an M82.
if peasant civ gets access to ak-47 I'm sure PD can too... in swat 4, swat officers were able to use AKs? @Benj fix this bug ASAP
I think there's a certain truth with your statement, I present to you the AK Alpha (heavily modified AK variant used by Spetsnaz and other special Russian units)

Think it would be a very cool add.
As LEO’s your advantage comes with your numbers. The issue is, cops respond at their own leisure to shootouts and often patrol alone. Simply by having squad cars hold back awaiting more Squad cars to arrive and pushing towards a shootout in a group of cars rather than 1 by 1’s grants you such a large advantage.
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