Rule Changes (02/11/21)

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Berlin, Germany

Hi everyone,

As a result of a short discussion in the most recent admin meeting, we have undergone 2 minor rule changes to the rules surrounding raiding and mugging.

Rule Changes
  • 5.1 - Mugging
Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period; nor can they mug the same player twice, within any 60 minute period. Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic. Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public. Players may not be forced to move out of public view under gunpoint prior to the mugging.

Whilst participating in a Mugging all players are expected to adhere to rule 2.5, this means that causing any unnecessary and unreasonable harm or damage to a player or their possessions is prohibited.

Items such as: Barricades, Furniture, crafting materials, planter boxes and seasonal items are not to be dropped during a mugging.

  • 5.3 - Raiding
Civilians are not allowed to raid, or assist others who are raiding, an occupied property more than 2 times in a 60 minute period, or raid the same property more than once in a 60 minute period. If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 1 hour after they have respawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property. Players who died whilst being raided may also not return to the situation until it has finished. Players are only permitted to use 2 bombs per raid, timed or remote. This does not include grenades.

If a neighbouring property assists or attempts to defend a property you are raiding, you may raid the neighbouring property which will be counted as the same raid.

This rule does not apply to players participating in City Hall or PD raids for the purpose of mayoral assassination or breaking players out of jail.
Excuse me sir this rule change appears to be a direct buff to criminal rp. As this is perpheads an awesome garrys mod server which exclusively offers buffs to the plpd because crim have ak, I must ask you to revert said changes immediately.
This rule does not apply to players participating in City Hall or PD raids for the purpose of mayoral assassination or breaking players out of jail.

Are you telling me that the entirety of 5.3 does not apply?

If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 1 hour after they have respawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property. Players who died whilst being raided may also not return to the situation until it has finished.

This means that if criminals die in a PD raid, and remaining raiders survive in the property, you could just go back and flank after respawning and being asked to flank. The only reason this can be a problem is that PD raids could potentially last hours.

Just asking.
Are you telling me that the entirety of 5.3 does not apply?

This means that if criminals die in a PD raid, and remaining raiders survive in the property, you could just go back and flank after respawning and being asked to flank. The only reason this can be a problem is that PD raids could potentially last hours.

Just asking.
Is it just me or is the rule a bit unclear in general when it comes to cops?

“Players who died whilst being raided may also not return to the situation until it has finished”. Probably something that should be clarified in the rule.
Are you telling me that the entirety of 5.3 does not apply?

This means that if criminals die in a PD raid, and remaining raiders survive in the property, you could just go back and flank after respawning and being asked to flank. The only reason this can be a problem is that PD raids could potentially last hours.

Just asking.
Players camping inside the PD for any reason would be a massive breach of 3.4. Their objective should always be to get out as quickly as possible. Though it might be more reasonable to stipulate that only the timer does not apply.
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Players camping inside the PD for any reason would be a massive breach of 3.4. Their objective should always be to get out as quickly as possible. Though it might be more reasonable to stipulate that only the timer does not apply.
Well, it's entirely possible that the raiders get pinned into a corner by the cops, there's not much they can actually do at that point.
The rule regarding the mayor should be Reworded to “all properties the mayor resides in” because that means the mayor could sit in a property with 50% taxes where everyone suffers for an hour because the raiders got caught short.
All raid have to be solo from now since you cant assist?
You can assist. It's basically saying if you raided regals 3 and died then your friend raids regals 3, you cant assist your friends until 1hr has passed since you raided. if that makes sense...
You can assist. It's basically saying if you raided regals 3 and died then your friend raids regals 3, you cant assist your friends until 1hr has passed since you raided. if that makes sense...
Is it allowed to kidnap people and take their items so they dont call friends etc so its not prior?
Is it allowed to kidnap people and take their items so they dont call friends etc so its not prior?
5.6 Kidnapping - "Kidnapping another player with the sole intent of mugging them for their items is not allowed."

Probably no point to kidnap them, just simply raid?
5.6 Kidnapping - "Kidnapping another player with the sole intent of mugging them for their items is not allowed."

Probably no point to kidnap them, just simply raid?
is it allowed to take player items in a kidnapping tho?
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