Server Suggestion Buff bank roberies

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Suggestion Title: Buff bank roberies
Suggestion Description: Buff the payment of bank robberies because its literally not even worth it to do for money

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- Why not

What negatives could this have?:
- N/A
Agreed you get almost same amount as you spend on the weapons plus if the cops shoot your car its even more.
Plus you have atleast 4 or 5 people with you. So you gotta split the money.
Agreed you get almost same amount as you spend on the weapons plus if the cops shoot your car its even more.
The more risk you take the higher your payout will be. Take less people with you, do the bank robbery with more cops on. The amount of money you get also varies from time to time, iirc this depends on the city funds, not completly sure. I used to get messages from DD saying the bank is running out of place to store it's cash. If you then succesfully do the heist with 4 people against 12 cops it's totally worth it!
It is really risky but sometimes payout can be insane, 2 days ago there was like 15 cops and we got 66k each for like 4 people. I'd love the payout to be increased as the bank robberies are really difficult when there's like 7 tfu and 9 pistol cops on. You just gotta play risky and if you win get big money
make it so cops have to be in the bank robbery area, add some kind of notification for everyone stating they are in the bank robbery area, and they should leave otherwise they may be killed. not to do with money, but making the area in which there are gunfights makes it a lot more fair as TFU just sit in the van and tier your car once you attempt to leave. makes it so they can’t bitch out once you cook a nade
I was speaking to some people just the other day about this. The people who state "oh after a bank raid you should hide and hand yourself in" @John Daymon The issue is with bank raids alot of the time you make less money from the bank raid than the ticket would cost. Theres been raids where I have earned 4k payout (after the launder tax thing)
I was speaking to some people just the other day about this. The people who state "oh after a bank raid you should hide and hand yourself in" @John Daymon The issue is with bank raids alot of the time you make less money from the bank raid than the ticket would cost. Theres been raids where I have earned 4k payout (after the launder tax thing)
That’s not my point, my point is you should hide until cops are not looking for you anymore, when you have you can go back to hanging out at bazaar but don’t start a shootout from that Because it Will just result in 100 shootouts
That’s not my point, my point is you should hide until cops are not looking for you anymore, when you have you can go back to hanging out at bazaar but don’t start a shootout from that Because it Will just result in 100 shootouts
We have also shown this is a flawed idea and doesn't work. We have been in forest multiple times just be metagamed by a cop coming there. We have also been in other peoples cars. Aslong as they can see your player model they will straight up spray you up. I understand what you mean and yes in the "correct" play style it should be done. But unless you actively play crim you don't understand how cancer the cops are.
if you manage to win against 16 cops, youll get paid good. i think that the payment should be buffed a lot if the 7 tfu policy (XD) is activated

i feel like when you do a bank robbery its mainly for the gunfights and not really for the final pay anyway
We have also shown this is a flawed idea and doesn't work. We have been in forest multiple times just be metagamed by a cop coming there. We have also been in other peoples cars. Aslong as they can see your player model they will straight up spray you up. I understand what you mean and yes in the "correct" play style it should be done. But unless you actively play crim you don't understand how cancer the cops are.
Over the course of 8 years on the server I have played as a criminal a lot and I know how hard it can be running from the police and hiding. And I don't care if the cops come shoot you up or raid you when you're trying to hide. That's literally the point I'm trying to make. Just don't drive around, hide have a base and make the cops come for you and not the other way around.
Idk man like me and I can’t remember who else it was but we both got 109k each from a bank raid before.

If you’re going to raid the bank when there is less cops on, you should probably resort to cheaper options and always remember to bring wrenches with you
I had a quick check of the logs to see why you think the money is low. I can see you've only robber the bank once. I've done a quick breakdown of what happened below:
  1. There were 6 of you robbing the bank.
  2. There were only 4 cops on duty, so the amount available to be stolen dropped from around $5,400,000 to $768,000.
  3. You left $8,000 in the bank for some reason, so now you have $760,000.
  4. Only a fraction of this money is able to get laundered properly, meaning that you around $100,000 after laundering.
  5. Only 4 of you survived the robbery, so your cut goes up, but the hiest manager takes a double cut, meaning you're dividing your $100,000 into 6.
  6. This left you with $17,111 each, with the leader getting an additional $5,000 refund for their deposit.
  7. This means as a team you made a revenue of $68,444.
There will obviously be costs due to fuel and ammo, but a profit of $68,444 for killing 4 cops with 6 people isn't that bad.

Want to make good money? Convince the cops who have reserved slots to go on duty, giving you about 20 cops. Wait until their distracted and then rob the bank with two people. Make sure you drive off without your friend so that he gets shot by the police. Launder the money and walk home with a tasty $230,000.

We could probably tweak some of the numbers here and there if you want to make an actual suggestion to the scaling, but the general principle is not going to change. If you out number the police, you won't get much money. If the police outnumber you, you stand a much better chance of making a profit.

Make a new thread if you want to make a detailed suggestion of changes, but I suggest you try to rob the bank a few more times first.
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