PERPHeads Event Points - How to redeem + stats.

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Me and @_Wxsley_ have thought of a new way to introduce prizes. You can now (when either me or wxsley is present in an event) win event points, these points can be used to redeem the prize you want from the list provided.

In this document you are able to see how many event points you or other people have, and what you can get in return for them. You can also save them up for better prizes. More prizes will be added later on.

Event points are obviously not tradeable. Beware, we might remove event points from you if you cheat in events or are only there to generally ruin it.

For any questions, feel free to react below. We will give a heads-up in this post when we will do more events.
An escape room in which you can earn these event points will start soon!
Congrats to Lencz, Danielh, mrmani79, Money, Tony, Speedy, One_Taps godaz, Brandify, Papa Even, Alex, Valentine, itsAngryMuffinTime, Shahmir.1101 and Ossievideogamer on winning 10 EP (event points) during our escape room!

To redeem prizes contact @Tyla Jai , @Efan or @Lucius Husky on the forums or on discord, but you can also save up for better rewards.
These points will also be handed out to people that are doing nice Roleplay and these point rewards might also be higher than for winning certain events.
Congrats to Chain, BullyHunter, 1Moar, Curak, Tinky, Gainaxe, One_Taps Godav and DanielH on winning events/rounds today. Also congrats to Tinky on winning 100k!

Today we have also given out higher amounts of points instead of the low amounts to see if that balances it a bit more since people got quite low amounts of points.
We are planning on hosting a few events this sunday (the exact time is unknown). Though we are giving you guys a choice (no traditional events and especially NOT gungame). Simply reply below this post with your idea + as much detail as you can and if it is a realistic idea meaning it is possible and fun, then we might host your event this sunday. If you come up with an event idea and we actually use it you will be rewarded event points for doing so.
Any more event ideas?? Any custom made up event is allowed aslong as it is possible and not weird.
Some Passive RP events like a talent show. Russian roulette 1v1 Spawn a chest with 2 guns one loaded and one, not two players run to it you see where this is going, make it a tournament. A classic street race with obstacles that can be seen in one of @RIM 's old videos on youtube. Anything parkour-based. Could introduce org-based events allowing for another form of Org vs Org that isn't just being toxic in OOC or a car bomb at the bazaar. Shooting competitions, Fuck it make it like a perp Olympics with different 'athletic' events (Running, swimming shooting etc). Implement other game modes in events, Deathrun or TTT for example ( obviously giving it a perp twist allowing it to be possible). seemed pretty cool. Cop v crim events could do a fuck off bank heist for example splitting the participants into two teams.
keep giving false info just because we dont have the logs. personally ive never been invited to an event in the last month.

Are you being willfully dumb?




@Xeronise you clearly aren't watching the Discord or forums very closely, we had events advertised there almost every day in the run-up to Christmas.