Map Suggestion kill barrier (Unrealistic)

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Suggestion Title: kill barrier (Unrealistic)
Suggestion Description: - Kill barrier at bridge
- when jump off a bridge causes you die mid air.
- Being Roleplay + Realistic to remove it.
- instead getting banned.
- (Unrealistic).

Why should this be added?:
- (Remove Request), When someone tryin escape from police / cops if their's car is been shotdown + wanted, they jump off the bridge and land on water and swim away to get quick get away, with a bit small problems for criminals.

What negatives could this have?:
- problem with Cops / police about it, for criminals for quick getaway toward to beach or (docks = Risky).
Unless Police / cops tell's them to not swim away from the cops and surrender, if criminals doesn't do that they would get shot tho.
When we reverted to Paralake V1 the Bridge didn’t actually have the kill barrier on it which proved irritating and 90% of people would throw themselves off the bridge to evade cops. It’s there for a reason as a gameplay mechanic to stop this.
Irl jumping from that height into water would more then likely kill u anyway from the force off u hitting the water, I feel like the kill barrier makes it more realistic
There are pros and cons to this, some of which i will list:

More realistic gameplay in doing so adds more roleplay (in some ways)
Less annoying for CIVS

People will proably abuse this to jump off the highway into the water to get away from cops
Can probably be a big problem for breaching rules such as 3.4, 3.6 etc

Although i understand the concept imo it should stay the way it is, if not another rule is implemented specifically for the highway, which i don't really think is necessary as it works how it is.
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Everyone, including myself, is probably gonna abuse this, dispite it being against the rules.