Killing medics, 2.5?

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Topic: Killing medics

Short explanation
(in notes):

I saw this post getting denied:
if you can't just kill the whole police force there is no longer a need to kill medics. Killing medics should be 2.5 when they comply to your demands.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

A lot of times when I'm playing as a medic and the police gets killed i have people actively hunting me down, even when I'm not reviving any cops or actually trying to run away from the situation. This results into me having a poor roleplay experience. I'd be a lot better if the attackers either took the medic temporally hostage to revive their friends or force him to drive/walk away and ONLY kill the medic when the medic does NOT comply. Its extremely unrealistic to kill medics as they are not a threat to you.

Optional additions:

This suggestion came up to me when i saw the other post getting denied about police should always have backup available.
Mainly people kill medics to keep their identities safe.
They only boss medics around for their benefit. It doesn't matter about the medics' wellbeing because it doesn't affect them.

Regardless, medic killers are still tossers.
I would know.
It's a tricky situation to be honest. There's a few things to consider when it comes to a medic. If you've killed the whole police force and leave the bank to find a lone medic (@Rogue Car Tyres I'm looking at you ;)) then you should tie and gag him, as he poses no direct threat to you. However if a medic just watched you kill a cop and is running away screaming down the radio, then it may perhaps be justifiable to kill the medic. I've seen times when bolli killed a guy in-front of me when I was medic, he gun-pointed me but did not kill me.

I don't think it should become a rule as per say, but everyone should be made aware that a medic may only be killed if it benefits your chance of escape/survival greatly.
In a way this is a good idea but i dont see why this is needed and as its already been denied like you said its that the staff team does not want it has its not really needed this is my opinion but people make like it but thats what i think.
It really depends on how they were involved with the situation in the event of a raid they sit outside the building reviving cops that gets dragged to them so they tend not to see any action. But when they witness you commiting a crime they have a radio meaning they can inform the police or dispatch and if you just leave them you could have incomming police.

It is a matter of if you need to kill them or not to conceal the identity of yourself and others. You should only kill a medic if you really have to but you cant put a rule against it they are defenceless.
they should be fully aware that what they're doing is technically putting their own and others life at risk, so killing them in theory is completely fine within the rules.
I agree, it's 2.5, But when it comes to Law 10.4, You CAN kill him as he's a government employee and he's a witness, Hence the medic will tell the police force (if the NLR is over and such)

I am going to go ahead and agree with @Duffy

It's a tricky situation to be honest. There's a few things to consider when it comes to a medic. If you've killed the whole police force and leave the bank to find a lone medic (@Rogue Car Tyres I'm looking at you ;)) then you should tie and gag him, as he poses no direct threat to you. However if a medic just watched you kill a cop and is running away screaming down the radio, then it may perhaps be justifiable to kill the medic. I've seen times when bolli killed a guy in-front of me when I was medic, he gun-pointed me but did not kill me.

I don't think it should become a rule as per say, but everyone should be made aware that a medic may only be killed if it benefits your chance of escape/survival greatly.

I don't think killing medics should be instantly 2.5, you should be able to kill them. For example if he has witnessed you kill a bunch of people and has been reporting it to the police go ahead. He is a witness, who can give evidence and get you arrested, however if its just a medic who happened to be in the area of a shootout, has not seen anything as of yet then I think it should be 2.5

I myself try to let medics live, mainly because they are defenseless and only trying to help.
The medics always get them selves into the position of being killed because they're reckless and dismiss 3.4. Medics have a radio, they have communication with the rest of the police force. If the medics are the only ones left they should be out there before the last officer dies realistically. That's just if you wanted to live but it would be too much of an advantage for the Police Force if this was considered 2.5.
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