Server Suggestion Remote explosives being more usable.

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Suggestion Title: Remote explosives change.
Suggestion Description: Allow civilians who press “E” on a remote explosive whilst they have their fists SWEP equipped and their phones out to get the number of a bomb placed down.

This is to allow users to utilise an explosive that was dropped by an enemy or friend to their advantage.

This may require a change in the logging of bomb kills, logging the person who detonated the explosive as the killer. (Although logs show who detonated the bomb to begin with)

This should be limited only to unemployed citizens to ensure only TFU can deal with explosives as a government official.

Why should this be added?:
- Further functionality of remote explosives
- They don’t go to waste if the owner dies

What negatives could this have?:
- Civilians fucking around with a bomb they find.
I don't think the idea would work, here are some reasons why

- It seems quite unrealistic that you can just walk up to it and find the code to the bomb

- This would more than likely be 3.4 due to you not knowing when the bomb will be going off in RP, id imagine you would would want to be as away from it as possible.

- Would be easily messed with by any person who does not want to roleplay.

- Also id like to mention that a bomb is normally placed down for a valid reason for the user to use it on whatever they must within reason, assuming any person can just go up to it and explode it could just cause problems, E.G Civilian's dying to said explosion for no reason.

- " They don’t go to waste if the owner dies" The owner can hand out the number in this situation to a trusted body apart of the situation in the cause of their death, and I don't see how a bomb can go to waste, its bought, crafted, placed whatever for a situation which the user feels is necessary and within the rules to do so, not for anyone to find it and say fuck it, this is the point of the bomb disposal by TFO
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I don't think the idea would work, here are some reasons why

- It seems quite unrealistic that you can just walk up to it and find the code to the bomb

- This would more than likely be 3.4 due to you not knowing when the bomb will be going off in RP, id imagine you would would want to be as away from it as possible.

- Would be easily messed with by any person who does not want to roleplay.

- Also id like to mention that a bomb is normally placed down for a valid reason for the user to use it on whatever they must within reason, assuming any person can just go up to it and explode it could just cause problems, E.G Civilian's dying to said explosion for no reason.

- " They don’t go to waste if the owner dies" The owner can hand out the number in this situation to a trusted body apart of the situation in the cause of their death, and I don't see how a bomb can go to waste, its bought, crafted, placed whatever for a situation which the user feels is necessary and within the rules to do so, not for anyone to find it and say fuck it, this is the point of the bomb disposal by TFO

1: A bomb won't send you a text telling you what number to call anyways, so moot point on "Realism". Its entirely realistic for the number of a phone bomb be apparent on the explosive itself for this very intent or purpose.
2: Approaching a bomb your friend placed knowing what the device is to simply continue the raid isn't any more 3.4 than raiding with a bomb to begin with.
3: Under most circumstances in an RP sit involving a bomb, anyone directly around the bomb has the power to prevent that. I already addressed the issue under "Cons"
4: I Addressed this issue already in "Cons".
5: Why would someone hand out the number of a bomb before a raid when they'll typically try calling it as fast as possible if they don't get doorbanged?
1: A bomb won't send you a text telling you what number to call anyways, so moot point on "Realism". Its entirely realistic for the number of a phone bomb be apparent on the explosive itself for this very intent or purpose.
2: Approaching a bomb your friend placed knowing what the device is to simply continue the raid isn't any more 3.4 than raiding with a bomb to begin with.
3: Under most circumstances in an RP sit involving a bomb, anyone directly around the bomb has the power to prevent that. I already addressed the issue under "Cons"
4: I Addressed this issue already in "Cons".
5: Why would someone hand out the number of a bomb before a raid when they'll typically try calling it as fast as possible if they don't get doorbanged?
- Assuming that the user knows the code to said phone and send the message to their phone before placing the bomb then the point you make is not apparent, in what world would anyone leave the code to the bomb on the bomb itself.
- Bombs aren't just used in raids
- ok
- ok
- Because it adds a reason to do so? it adds the risk to the bomb process, either hand the number out or it doesn't blow up, just be competent enough, assuming you're raiding that you are at a risk of death before the bomb blows up, you don't call it as fast as possible, you get out of the vicinity before doing so.

all in all I feel the bomb activation number being displayed on the phone placed on the bomb without a passcode is absurd in RP.

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