Server Suggestion Tracking Device

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sneed's feed & seed
Suggestion Title: Tracking Device
Suggestion Description: Create a device which can be used on cars that will create a flashing ping on the map app.

Let's discuss how this item could be implemented. Firstly I think that the crafting price for this item should be in the five to ten thousand dollar range. This item would be crafted using Electronic Parts, Metal and Plastic and should require a Firearms level of 25 or above. This item would be used similarly to a Vehicle Security System, a simple click on the item in your inventory when facing a car (cast time of 1 second).

The first issue that came to my mind when I had this idea was; 'How do we get rid of the tracking device, or even know that it's on our car?' Perhaps there could be a subtle flashing light coming from underneath the rear bumper, and/or the tracking device simply falls off of the car after a certain amount of time (10-20m). If the player has a security system on their vehicle, there could be a chance to trigger the alarm or a failure to place the device.

Why should this be added?:
- Legalize gangstalking

What negatives could this have?:
- Code monkey no want to code

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While it's a cool idea Paralake is too small for something like this
Cool idea, but you can search literally the whole map in like, five minutes flat, so I can't see it having all that much utility.
same reasoning should apply to the map itself or PLPD Online pinpointing what part of the map somebody lives in or any other geo-location technology implemented already. if criminals find out their car got stolen they can pursue their own form of justice meanwhile if cops get told they can trace the vehicle so both sides get roleplay and stealing cars becomes risky in a good way. If you stole a car IRL cops should be able to get it reported as stolen and know if it's seen via cameras or license reading technology on the road otherwise this tracking device can be a pretty decent alternative imo making it so the thief is dealing with high risk high reward.

side note: most players are not competent enough to do good enough reconnaissance when seeking the target vehicle. I managed to bamboozle the whole police force during peak hours while running not too long ago just hiding in hicktown and they couldn't find me after a solid 10+ minutes of me chillin there.
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pic related, me installing tracking device on ex gf car :p
this is going to age like fine wine

Honestly, what @MalekIsWeird said. Honestly, the map overall is big enough (with enough places to hide) to warrant support for it. Even though it's auto-reported (and we get an incident) unless there's a Dispatch or you have a focused officer searching, it's gone.
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Lol -7 but nobody seems to knows why they don't want it they just say no.
Because it's not fun for people who are being tracked because they can't hide, and it's less fun to just have your map ping rather than having to put in literally any effort at all to find someone
Because it's not fun for people who are being tracked because they can't hide, and it's less fun to just have your map ping rather than having to put in literally any effort at all to find someone
Pinging doesn't necessarily need to be constant, pinging for the location can be occurring at intervals to allow the car thief to remove the tracker later on as they try to escape. This is a felony of Grand Theft Auto it isn't meant to be a walk in the park so it would actually be fun for all (crims, owner and cops) with versatility in routes which the owner can respond in. The "no effort" argument can be used for the current car security upgrade which makes it unrealistically impossible to steal that car, personally I think that ruins the fun and is no effort also it doesn't even make any sense.

Hiding in Paralake is hard enough as it is. But thank you for the suggestion.
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