12.3 Edit - Right Turn On Red (RTOR)

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change

What law do you wish to change/add: 12.3

Why should this change/addition be made: There are multiple benefits to allowing a Right Turn On Red. First and foremost, the biggest benefit of allowing this is decreasing congestion throughout the city. This was suggested and denied previously in 2015-2016 because there wasn't enough congestion to validate it being added, this was when the server had a population cap of 60 people. Now, we have more than doubled in slots and the server is usually over 100 for most of the day. As a result, the main intersection can get very congested at times - This creates a very serious problem because it can end up blocking the PD Private Parking lot gates, making it harder for officers at PD to leave and respond to an emergency situation. Less importantly, allowing a Right Turn On Red ends up saving time and gas for individuals consequentially meaning less driving time, which means less pollutants in the atmosphere!!!!

The most obvious con to this suggestion is Pedestrian Safety. This is a completely valid point, and I would propose that this change is added to only be allowed at the PD/Hospital Intersection. The reason for this is that there is no crosswalk therefore no one is going to get run over besides suicidal individuals running across the intersection, but that is an issue for Darwinism.

There is absolutely no safety issues with implementing this at the main intersection, all you have to do is stop, observe traffic from the oncoming lane, and make your turn.

Making right turns on reds is allowed (some by signs only) in most states, and many countries, and continents all over the world.

Additional Information:

What about the fact that not all cars adhere to the 50/65 mph speed limit and might suddenly crash into a car, which was just fast enough to be a surprise obstacle and also slow enough to not escape the speeding car.

Also wouldn't this mean that staff, besides focusing on people who run the red light for no reason, would add having to make sure people don't run the Stop sign for no reason when doing the right hand turn as well?

Edit.: This could easily and "safely" (knowing perp players probably not safely) be solved with a roundabout.
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What about the fact that not all cars adhere to the 50/65 mph speed limit and might suddenly crash into a car, which was just fast enough to be a surprise obstacle and also slow enough to not escape the speeding car.

Also wouldn't this mean that staff, besides focusing on people who run the red light for no reason, would add having to make sure people don't run the Stop sign for no reason when doing the right hand turn as well?
It's their own fault for speeding therefore they will be liable for any accident they cause.
It's their own fault for speeding therefore they will be liable for any accident they cause.
Good point. What I was trying to say is that the Stop sign will have to be enforced to the same degree the red light is now so crashes like this are less likely to happen.
I have a habit of watching traffic at intersection so I already do traffic enforcement regularly there.
I ment it more directed at rule enforcement as opposed to law enforcement. Not saying the other should be ignored.
I ment it more directed at rule enforcement as opposed to law enforcement. Not saying the other should be ignored.
I'll be honest i don't see that rule being enforced much at all when I'm on. PD usually always handles it. I see jaywalkers handled at intersection a lot more often then red light runners.
(Not dissing staff team at all you all are amazing just saying i never see that enforced and PD always handles it)
the intersection is dangerous and plus the crossing directly after the turn is badly placed so a right-on-red may encourage more pedestrian fatalities as this favours vehicle traffic over pedestrian accessibility!
the intersection is dangerous and plus the crossing directly after the turn is badly placed so a right-on-red may encourage more pedestrian fatalities as this favours vehicle traffic over pedestrian accessibility!
Add crosswalk signals to solve this. Drivers who fail to follow this would be punished by the laws accordingly. Crosswalks are everywhere on the map and in the world, especially on right-hand turns.
plus the crossing directly after the turn is badly placed so a right-on-red may encourage more pedestrian fatalities as this favours vehicle traffic over pedestrian accessibility!
The most obvious con to this suggestion is Pedestrian Safety. This is a completely valid point, and I would propose that this change is added to only be allowed at the PD/Hospital Intersection.
I have to agree with this becoming allowed. Its really easy to make it safer as you do like irl: If light is red wait, check side to side, then you go right once clear. Its not a case of oh you can go full tilt to the right, no you have to stop and check.
It's their own fault for speeding therefore they will be liable for any accident they cause.
As much as it's their own fault, it still would cause severe and dramatic collisions with the ones turning right. Especially a problem, considering not all vehicles accelerate fast enough from turning speed (between 15-25 MPH) to 50/80 MPH.
With the current state of speed limit ignorance within the population, I believe that this would significantly increase the number of accidents at the intersection (which also will cause congestion).

If we get to the point where we believe that the significant majority of road users in Paralake would adhere to the 50 MPH speed limit near the intersection, I would be gladly in favour of it as it would indeed solve the massive problem of regularly occurring congestion on the very tight PD Intersection. But as we are in a city full of lunatics, unfortunately, I can't be in favour of that suggestion.
I think that cars blocking the pd gate is a real issue but the right turn on red is probably a no for me because of the amount of accidents it will cause, perp drivers aren't known to drive at reasonable speeds when passing the intersection so it'll slow the traffic down even more with the amount of tiered cars on the intersection
I believe it's already been confirmed that the Paralake will be moving to have European signage etc with V6, based on that it doesn't really make sense to bring in a law adding right turn on red, given that is a mostly American law. While a few countries in Europe have laws allowing right turn on red in signed areas, signed areas are still very uncommon as far as I am aware.

3.22 Highway Driving states that people must follow the traffic laws when at the intersection and this is for a reason; to preserve your life and to negate the risk of people being negatively effected when they approach the intersection at high speeds and someone pulls out in front of them wrecking their car. Adding a law that allows them to negate this when turning red just increases that risk and increases confusion when dealing with reports of that happening. All so people don't have to wait at intersection for a few seconds for the light to change.
Given that most people drive like absolute twats on this server (myself included), the last thing we need is someone pulling out on a red light coming from PD to go right and some mad man going 130MPH in their generic supercar from the Suburbs area which then will end with them smacking the absolute shit into the other person's car.
Roundabouts will only work in perp if they are big. If they are small, all it does is temper people driving, then it would just be added clutter to the map.
Dutch peeps will probs understand my dilemma