Bobby pin chance

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even at 8/8 lockpicking skill I have broken about 7 Bobby pins trying one door.

Do genetics affect your chances? What are the chances at 8/8 because even then it seems luck-based whenever Bobby pins are used.
Its only RNG, the only way the chances are increased is if you are in TFU gear

Edit: Im stupid, this is for the battering ram but the RNG part stays true!
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Can you use another medium for asking questions?

Such as shoutbox, Discord help channel or /help chat.
I would but that would defeat my intention. I want to discuss the rng aspect through asking the question to establish the objective facts regarding the discussed topic. If I was just after a simple answer I could simply use help and support yes.
even at 8/8 lockpicking skill I have broken about 7 Bobby pins trying one door.

Do genetics affect your chances? What are the chances at 8/8 because even then it seems luck-based whenever Bobby pins are used.
Hello, This seems like a skill issue. Also could you possibly do what efan has asked and instead of spamming the forums with multiple threads a day for really little reason, You should make a chat message in our discord server! The helper team will be more than happy to help you

Also you can use /help in game if you arnt already banned.
I would but that would defeat my intention. I want to discuss the rng aspect through asking the question to establish the objective facts regarding the discussed topic. If I was just after a simple answer I could simply use help and support yes.
nothing to be discussed you just ask how it works and they tell you
So I’m guessing genetics don’t affect the chances and all u can do is max out skill like I did and hope for the best :confused:
skill issue get better manips

Since all deterministic systems have predictable outcomes if we know the starting conditions, knowing the initial seed of a Pokemon game means it is possible to know the exact stats and nature of a Pokemon you want to catch, which is invaluable for Pokemon speedrunning and competitive play.
RNG manipulation is the act of using this knowledge to your advantage. If you know a perfect Mudkip will appear six and a half seconds after resetting the game, you can simply save, soft reset the game, wait that time, and boom — perfect Mudkip.

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