Ban Dispute (dog)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: dog
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 7 Months

Your Steam Name: Kay
Your Roleplay Name: Kay Funds
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:98351704

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Harassing another member of the community.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Could this be taken as a dispute/apology firstly.

But to begin I genuinely believe that what I said and did wasn't harassing anyone in the slightest. I brought the story up in OOC once when sorle said something, as a joke not knowing he would take offence to it (I didn't think he would as he stated this story in the forums for everyone to read so therefore I thought he was open about it - The story can still be found on the forums to this date is what I've been told.)

The definition of Harassment is the following: "harassment is when someone REPEATEDLY behaves in a way that makes you feel scared, distressed or threatened". I have only brought up this story twice, once on the forums replying to him when he posted about it and on the day on which I stated it in-game.

Please also keep in mind I know me saying it as a "Joke" isn't a loophole or a way out of it. You can be racist or homophobic etc as a joke and it's still a serious offence.

Sorle then added me on steam stating how he felt about this situation to which I then said something along the lines of "I'm sorry I didn't actually realise this is how you felt about it" (Do not take this word for word as Sorle then removed me off steam after I got banned so I can't get the chat logs and send screenshots.). I'm not a cunt, I wouldn't mess with someone's mental health as that's something people close to me are struggling with. I genuinely only said it as a joke as he said it publicly on the forums so I thought he was open for people to talk about it and so on. I genuinely am sorry but to be told that I've harassed someone is far from the truth and I don't want to be known as someone who harasses people. I know I may be seen as a minge sometimes and a joke but honestly from the bottom of my heart, I am genuinely telling the truth and didn't mean to hurt him or 'harass' him.

I understand that the server has a no bullying, harassment, discrimination & racism policy but to be banned for 7 months for something I genuinely thought was okay to say and speak publicly about it is something I'm struggling to swallow.

I'm not a prick or a bully in any way and anyone close to me can see this isn't me. I just hope you can take this into consideration.
In terms of harassment, twice would constitute the definition.

I’ll ask @Sorle for his view on it privately.
In terms of harassment, twice would constitute the definition.

I’ll ask @Sorle for his view on it privately.
I do agree with this but the two incidents were months and months apart. Although I do know that this once again doesn't make it right for me to do this.

You came into the conversation in OOC just to be provocative. Your general conduct in the community doesn’t really make me think you stick around to do anything other than try to cause issues.

I’ll reduce the ban to 1 month however, but on your return if you continue this pattern of behaviour, including the forums, you’ll just be removed.
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