Ban Dispute (Muffin)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Muffin
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: Pennytraitor
Your Roleplay Name: Masseiah Jehad
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51551732

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 3.20 - Shot a man for no reason through a door of bazaar shop, left after being shot while unconn

Why should this appeal be considered?: When i entered my shop they tried to enter it with me by following me in and i was fearing for my life so i shot at the door to alarm them that i was armed and then they went to the other side of the door start knocking and trying to open my door thats when i shot another bullet at the door but this time i hit him in the head and i thought it was over and when i walked out of my shop i get my head blown off thats when i rage quit becouse they started the whole thing and i got banned for it this ridiculous incident -.-

Additional Information: This was a very petty report made on me when clearly they was looking for trouble and then decides to report me when it doesnt go their way

Please upload evidence of the situation from start to finish if you want this to be reviewed
Can you guide me i dont really know how im more use to medal

View this guide, and when you get to the part of the situation, watch it and then just clip your game with medal and then you can upload it here to give staff more context and a visual of the situation.
Please ignore my request for evidence, it seems that we have a video of the situation that was posted in your ban comments. Sit tight and this'll likely be looked at over by today.

The actions you committed were against the rules. Firstly, you shot the guy for wiggling your door knob after you close it, and then again but at the front door - This time you killed him. It would be understandable if he had tried to sneak in with you and pulled a weapon out, but this was done after the door was already closed and locked. You can not kill people because you are scared.

Obviously, you dc'ed while unconscious and rage quitting doesn't really justify that.
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