Hacking Bank Accounts

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Topic: Hacking Bank Accounts

Short explanation (in notes):
- People can take money from other peoples accounts
- Smaller chance of it working depending on the size of the money
- A trigger of it going wrong will cause police to be summoned
- You need a DDoSer computer to stop Paralake City Bank systems functioning
- You also need another computer to actually transfer the money through a series of challenges
- You can buy extra DDoSer computers to improve chances of it functioning properly
- A max amount of money will be set
- Also, you cannot take money from new players and only experienced players
- You also need to buy a router to have access to the internet

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Because it can help people get started, also computers will be expensive and the DDoSer app will be an extra amount of money to install it to the computer. I think it can really boost players by them taking the risks and trying to really get some wonga.

Optional additions:
- DDoSer app for the computer
- Computer
- Security addons to the bank account that is being hacked.
No. You get a lot from drugs, if you would hack the bank the money propably will be taken from someones account. beside that people will be sitting in the house, growing and hacking. Life of nerd, playing computer on computer
How would the system know if you're a 'noob' or 'experienced'? And when the bank is ddosed, no one would be able to withdraw/deposit? It's a nice idea but it looks a bit excessive to me :s
No. You get a lot from drugs, if you would hack the bank the money propably will be taken from someones account. beside that people will be sitting in the house, growing and hacking. Life of nerd, playing computer on computer

Dude, the computer doesn't have to be used for just hacking, it can be used to call people and more stuff ETC, Also, it WOULD be taken from someones account, but there would be a small chance of it working if you actually try to take like 2,500,000,000,000. A chance as small as 0.000000000000000000000000001 even with like a hundred DDoSers.
How would the system know if you're a 'noob' or 'experienced'? And when the bank is ddosed, no one would be able to withdraw/deposit? It's a nice idea but it looks a bit excessive to me :s

How other servers know if you have experince, by reading your play time and matching it to or being greater than a set value of time to allow the hacking. Also, if you have no money in their bank it would say, "Successful Hack, unfortunately there was no money in their bank." or something else. Also, the whole bank would not be DDoSed, just their one account. If you try to withdraw money. It will say like "Error transferral of money has no connection."
No. Just no. People sit in there in there houses for like 8 hours a day growing to get money and then one day they come back on and most/all of there money is gone? It would just aggravate people. Also if people can hack into other people's bank accounts then there is no place where you can keep your money safe at all? If you keep it in your account it can get hacked and stolen, if you keep it on you you'll just get mugged and loose all your cash. Also people who are super rich can just hack everyone else's bank accounts because they can afford to do so and you'll have a few super rich people with like $20 million from hacking and you'll get others with like 100k. Also It sounds like it would be a pain in the ass to code. Lastly if people can hack into the bank then wouldn't most people just won't plant and bank robberies wouldn't occur which will leave the swat officers with literally nothing to do apart from sit around at pd. It also seems pretty excessive, there are loads of ways to get money you can go mug people, get a job, grow drugs, open a shop or rob the bank they all involve pretty high risks and require skills to do, whereas if you can hack into peoples accounts it doesn't involve much risk at all if you have the money you can just buy like 10-20 computers and hack into accounts? Personally I just don't fancy the idea
Sorry But -support

Developers of perp are looking for legal jobs that creates more rp

This idea isn't needed, causes frustration and your money is never safe.

If the server thinks of people with alot of playtime as experienced, people with bad economy will suffer.

This would, as i believe, be hard to code. Especially all the side ideas you got for this.

Side notes:
-This idea is badly represented and hard to understand
-You should rethink your ideas before posting
-I find this completely unrealistic to be implemented
Think of it this way, At the moment Jarheads is probably the most powerful org in Paralake, the cops can't raid them for s**t and 95% of the time the cops try they fail. Also, most members in Jarheads are pretty rich so there would be little issue with buying a few computers and routers and what not. All It would take is everyone in Jarheads to buy a few computers and they could hack like everyone's bank accounts pretty securely. The cops wouldn't be able to do anything and everyone's money is going directly into the jarhead's pocket. It just wouldn't be fair.
First off, how in the world do you hack someone's account by DDoSing the bank? All that's going to happen is that their network will temporarily stop working, which I suppose is the complete opposite of what you want. Also, to DDoS something as big as an entire bank you'd probably need a bot net of millions of computers. A single computer isn't going to do much. Additionally, this will only make it so that people will go in at 2am when the server is empty, and then just hack all the bank accounts on the server.
I don't like the idea

Espically not that new members cannot get robbed but new members can rob old members, just saying. Also it is a great addon for sure but I wouldn't want it right away, get some pics of how it would look if avaible. -Support
-support this is just a bank robbery for ppl on the server that dont have the skills to rob it in person.
Massive -Support, robbing banks/people is profitable but risky that's why it doesn't happen 24/7. If this was implemented then I could just sit in slums 4 and get rich without moving. Would be unfair on new players too. Imagine playing a good few hours as a cop, getting all the paychecks. Just for it to be taken away again. Especially for people saving up for luxury or expensive guns/cars

IRL as far as I know, banks use the most secure encryptions in the world, besides government websites. Also, it's pretty much, an expensive, illegal lottery, where you are the only player, before asking how that makes sense, think about the core principles here...
-Support I feel that this would make it too easy for people to just get a house, grow drugs and hack. I think because of how easy it is it would encourage people to go AFK whilst growing and hacking. Also agreeing with other people, its not really that realistic bearing in mind banks have some of the worlds best protection, especially in America.
I think it's fairly clear at this point that this has absolutely no support and I can't embrace it myself, so this will be denied. Don't treat all the negative response from this as a reflection of yourself, but as just responding to the idea.
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