Action Request (pro_leqq and African Joe)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: lil papi
Your Roleplay Name: Jesser Rivers
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83836727

Player's Steam Name: pro_leqq and African Joe
Player's Roleplay Name: Jamie Dyett, Harry Slayer
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:550769627, STEAM_0:1:107407270

Why should this player be punished?: In first clip they mugg me infront of a firefighter, then when am zip tied they executed me. Then 20 min later in the second clip when am at subs looking for a house to raid, they mugg me and execute me again.

Evidence Link:
Evidence Link:
First off. I'd like to state both times were not muggings but acts of revenge/counter to current actions. The first time was for when you drove to our property, aimed a firearm at me. Then stalked us around the city, which we both took as immediate threats of violence, Secondly. Within the first clip you actively move while being told to put your hands up and having a gun pointed at you so the fireman could see what was happening, this clearly breaches 3.6, we then move you into the bathroom so the fireman sees no more of the action. Except for the fireman as well (who at the time of engagement had his back turned, and only turned to witness what was happening when you failed to follow direct orders) the subway was empty. This was also a case of pre-emptive strike as you prepared to mug us after selling to the dealer which is evident via the clip. Now when it comes to the second clip, After dying YOU INSTANTLY go to our property (which you scouted out before, as mentioned) and attempt to break in, along with being armed with a fireaxe to cause harm to us. You get caught by the cops, and straight after. As you clearly POSE a threat to us, we bring you inside. Ziptie you for our safety and kill you.
The only issue I personally perceive may be the presence of the firefighter, but as stated i genuinely believe if he followed our direct rules under 3.4/3.6 he would of never noticed. Also considering the situation as a whole (the fact that our intentions were to sell 120k worth of weed to the dealer) it was all a bit rushed

The reason for your deaths is simply you posed multiple threats to us, even in your new life. And we felt we had no other option, I hope all staff interacting with this case can see it from our point of view.

Just for the record. In the second clip, by taking him into the home, framing him with a gun and then killing him, we managed to get away with the murder of Jesser Rivers
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I can elaborate further if needed, and i think I may still have videos of the whole situations but not sure
As an additional point to cover myself under 3.21

3.21 Non-Player Characters (NPCs)​

When role-playing within the vicinity of NPCs (for example, the NPC that resides within Fredy’s Bakery, the City Hall, etc.), the NPCs must be treated as regular players and taken into consideration within roleplay situations, simply killing the NPC usually isn’t sufficient. For example, if a player is involved in a bank robbery and is visiting the hospital to receive treatment from the NPC, the aforementioned player should ensure his and the NPC’s lives are not in immediate danger.

I feel a drug dealer (the npc) Wouldn't call the police or intervene in a revenge killing, especially when he is about to receive around 768 bricks of weed, especially considering our org has the 'location' feature which implies a good standing with this character
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We tried mugging him without alerting the fireman, we spoke in whisper as you can hear during the clip and made sure to block the view of the doorway with our body while his back was turned. the shot i fired was a missfire
I did not stalk you, you guys stalked me around subs. And its dumb to risk gunpointing a person infront of a government employee. And in the second clip you said i try to break in but the door was open, so thats just trespassing. And you said you did not try to mug me again, but in this clip you say "haha you getting mugged again" then inside the house you search me. If i had someting valuable on me you would have taken it. You also saying that you got away with the murder when police came, it's because you lied in Looc and said you did not zip me.


At the time I was a lot newer to the server, and while it may sound daft. I didn't realize how zipties look on the player. I made a f6 at the same in concern that the model wasn't loading and then it came to my attention I was looking right at it (made me feel a bit silly)
I'd also like to say in the end the cop who was lied to did say to not lie in looc in the future. Which I do fully get.

Now onto the firefighter.
1. If you abided by our orders he wouldn't of seen. We would of rushed you into that room and slammed the door.

2. It was more of a risk to us if we didn't. You were clearly dealer camping and waiting to mug us, by doing what we did we successfully avoided your attack and sold to the dealer, we had more of a chance when it came to living
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I did not stalk you, you guys stalked me around subs. And its dumb to risk gunpointing a person infront of a government employee. And in the second clip you said i try to break in but the door was open, so thats just trespassing. And you said you did not try to mug me again, but in this clip you say "haha you getting mugged again" then inside the house you search me. If i had someting valuable on me you would have taken it. You also saying that you got away with the murder when police came, it's because you lied in Looc and said you did not zip me.


View attachment 17823
You stalked us. I'll check If I still have my recording.

I never said that, my intentions were not to mug you, it was to kill you. If my friends intentions alter or if it simply slipped his tongue (English is not his main language) that's up to him

If you also notice I try and tell him not to ziptie you, but he goes along with it anyways

I'll just throw this here, he also brought up kidnapping you and using you as a hostage, I think it may of been closer to spitballing
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At the time I was a lot newer to the server, and while it may sound daft. I didn't realize how zipties look on the player. I made a f6 at the same in concern that the model wasn't loading and then it came to my attention I was looking right at it (made me feel a bit silly)
I'd also like to say in the end the cop who was lied to did say it wasn't that deep, just to avoid lying in ooc in the future.

I don't see the point of extending your action report to include situations where you were not involved.
Now onto the firefighter.
1. If you abided by our orders he wouldn't of seen. We would of rushed you into that room and slammed the door.

2. It was more of a risk to us if we didn't. You were clearly dealer camping and waiting to mug us, by doing what we did we successfully avoided your attack and sold to the dealer, we had more of a chance when it came to living
You stalked us. I'll check If I still have my recording.

I never said that, my intentions were not to mug you, it was to kill you. If my friends intentions alter or if it simply slipped his tongue (English is not his main language) that's up to him

If you also notice I try and tell him not to ziptie you, but he goes along with it anyways
i was using the zipties in a roleplay matter, i didn't use them to mug. i ziptied you so you wouldn't run away/punch.
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I spoke to Jamie and it seemed the mugging quote was miscommunication between us, at first he believed we were mugging but once it was explained I had the intention to kill you we switched to that.

If I'm going to revenge you for actions you've committed. Violent actions at that, why wouldn't we actively secure you?
I did not stalk you, you guys stalked me around subs. And its dumb to risk gunpointing a person infront of a government employee. And in the second clip you said i try to break in but the door was open, so thats just trespassing. And you said you did not try to mug me again, but in this clip you say "haha you getting mugged again" then inside the house you search me. If i had someting valuable on me you would have taken it. You also saying that you got away with the murder when police came, it's because you lied in Looc and said you did not zip me.


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You yourself admit you were trying to get into our property to raid us and cause us harm. Why do you fail to accept that we protected ourselves from this
I do just want to say I feel like retrospectively now I have more play time on the server there were some problems with the situation, but I don't believe any breach server rules as it was mostly miscommunication and what the next step was
Jesser Rivers,

what where you doing behind our house after dying at subway with a axe?

it seems like you where there to mug us or break into the builing in act of revenge because you died earlier at subway. if i can confirm this later with a demo you break 3.5.
@Harry Slayer @pro_leqq This action request has just been filled up with pointless information. Answer these questions and I will make a decision based on your answers and the evidence.

Situation 1 (Underpass mugging):
  1. Why did you guys think it was safe to start a mugging in front of a firefighter?
  2. Why was Jesse Rivers killed once the mugging had concluded?
Situation 2 (Subs House):
  1. Why was Jesse Rivers gun pointed into your property?
  2. Why was Jesse Rivers killed?
@Harry Slayer @pro_leqq This action request has just been filled up with pointless information. Answer these questions and I will make a decision based on your answers and the evidence.

Situation 1 (Underpass mugging):
  1. Why did you guys think it was safe to start a mugging in front of a firefighter?
  2. Why was Jesse Rivers killed once the mugging had concluded?
Situation 2 (Subs House):
  1. Why was Jesse Rivers gun pointed into your property?
  2. Why was Jesse Rivers killed?
We were whispering and the firefighter was containing a fire with his back turned as it came from the other toilet, we told him not to move and to put his hands up but he ended up moving into the middle of the underpass, this is what caused the firefighter to be alerted.

He was killed as an act of revenge for previously threatening me with a gun, I may still have the clip. But if you tell me how to use demos I'll get it for you

1. Jesse rivers was attempting to break in and raid us, as he stated. My friend started informing me about this and at which point we gunpoint him inside and kill him for this attempt at a raid. If we didn't we truly believe he would of raided us. This was done to Defend ourselves.

Anymore questions can be answered if needed
Jesser Rivers,

what where you doing behind our house after dying at subway with a axe?

it seems like you where there to mug us or break into the builing in act of revenge because you died earlier at subway. if i can confirm this later with a demo you break 3.5.
still waiting for a reaction back of Jesser Rivers.
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