Server Suggestion remove the drug yeild thing

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Suggestion Title: remove the drug yeild thing
Suggestion Description: remove the drug yeild thing for orgs, or make it so if u like idk 10 plus members online its lesser, but not dependent on the ammount of members ur org has total, we have 5 on rn, and our yeild is fucking 0.61/1

Why should this be added?:
Incourage people to grow more and put more time into the server, allow people to make money,

What negatives could this have?:
- None, idk why this was even added ffs

Useful Images:
Not completely remove, I think it should be nerfed significantly. Active members should be replaced with online members perhaps... Big difference if you have 10 members throughout at day or at once.
Its not to do with online members. Its active members within the last 2 weeks of your org. Leave your org make a new smaller org and you will be fine. Look at asda we have no issue with it lol
I think this suggestion lacks some detail but some potential outcomes in my view could be
  • removing the effect entirely
  • scaling back the effect further
  • lowering the effect for orgs that do little to no raiding
Its not to do with online members. Its active members within the last 2 weeks of your org. Leave your org make a new smaller org and you will be fine. Look at asda we have no issue with it lol
It's a bit silly the solution being to split organisations up into smaller ones, as we can create 5 small ones and base together anyway with no negative effect
with no negative effect
that's just clearly false, all the smaller orgs have to individually level up to gain org perks and none of them can teamspeak with the other org. Not to mention that there now is a way bigger risk at internal conflict amongst the smaller groups due to them being actually separated.
I haven't really been on to try this myself but from what I've seen and heard, just scrap the whole thing lol
I think that larger orgs should have it harder than smaller orgs, however I'm wondering at what point it becomes more profitable to go cop/medic/fish than it is to grow drugs. A 0.61 modifier seems excessive for what I am assuming is a ~20 player org.

If the development team is dug in with having a drug-related penalty (rather than just removing it, which seems to be what people would prefer), consider replacing it with one of the following suggestions:
  • Increasing water consumption rate of drugs.
    • Requires larger organizations to play closer attention to their drugs, take active steps to refill or obtain more water tanks, and thus make it harder to have the entire org be raiding or committing group-based crime.
    • Min pop: 1x consumption
    • Max pop: 2.5x consumption
  • Increasing the grow/drying time of drugs.
    • Forces larger organizations to spend more time defending drugs, longer time means more to lose in a raid requiring more people to defend, longer time also decreases the drugs produced per hour significantly making drugs less lucrative.
    • Min pop: 1x speed (38 mins for cocaine)
    • Max pop: 0.75x speed (51 mins for cocaine)
  • Decreasing yield from raids/muggings (excluded: org members, allies, and when you are buddied for Chest/Trunk)
    • Reduces the total yield from all raids, therefore making large orgs made solely for zerg raiding less viable and reducing the encouragement for these types of raids for orgs that are already this large. Also makes mugging/camping the drug dealer less viable for these larger organizations other than for rivalry purposes. Larger groups also are forced to divide loot even more than currently, encouraging these orgs to raid/mug in smaller groups.
    • Min pop: 1x yield taken (33 coca leaves/120 weed, mug 200 weed = 200 weed received)
    • Max pop: 0.4x yield taken (13 coca leaves/48 weed, mug 200 weed = 80 weed received)
These options punish larger organizations that focus solely on larger group raiding whilst lessening the effect on those that perform criminal activities in smaller groups or less frequently.
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So I've decided to have a look. Vault of Memes has gained roughly 30 active players since the 1st of may. Which is in all ways, alot. I see Tyla proposed some outcomes. I shall already deny all 3 of those. I shall explain why.
  • removing the effect entirely
The change will not be reverted. They are actually working very well. Org sizes have factually gone down. This is good because that means lowering the size of the police in combination with this confirms it is still balanced.
  • scaling back the effect further
This won't happen. The effect is already far more lenient then it has been. There is no need for 30 active players in your org.
  • lowering the effect for orgs that do little to no raiding
No, That means they can still powergrow in groups, Hence they would have an advantage over raiding orgs, even tho that is a core part of the gamemode. Not happening

The reason this multiplier was chosen is due it's ease. It's easy to understand and also easy to prevent if you arent a Zerg. Cause let's be upfront. I have been informed 3 orgs have complained mostly about this update. All 3 with over 30+ Active members. Which is good, they are the ones that should be impacted by this update. It's very easy to not have a nerf on your drugs, Just kick some people

The only outcome I am going to consider is changing the 'Active' term from played in the last 7 days to played in the last 6 hours. That will however need to be thought out more before a decision is made.
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The only outcome I am going to consider is changing the 'Active' term from played in the last 7 days to played in the last 6 hours. That will however need to be thought out more before a decision is made.
ok wait wait I agree with everything u said except this. A player can still be active without having played in last 6 hours lol i could have played earlier in the day. maybe like 48 hours not 6 cause 7 days is a bit much i can see that however 6 is like no time to have a life and still hold the active label.
There is no need for 30 active players in your org.
30 active players, but 6-8 on at most at one time.

What is the headcount of the PD again?

How many active members does the PD have and how many does it have online. It's a huge difference.

I'd love it being scaled based on players online, as that would accurately represent how many people defend a base. The more people, the less risk. Less people more risk.
I'd love it being scaled based on players online, as that would accurately represent how many people defend a base.
The issue with this is that people could time their drugs and simply disconnect for 5 minutes to let people harvest their drugs at maximum yield.

I think that a check between the 1 and 6 hour mark would be reasonable, you want it at a level where it represents the number of people who have been online recently enough to be at that base at some point, but not the people who are less likely to reconnect.
feels like this update will just introduce even more metagaming as @Jack Bruhross has stated splitting up orgs into smaller ones which will still obviously be in contact with one another and lets not bullshit here any org that has done this is definitely communicating via steam, more likely BBM but genuinely this update is horrible imo, takes away the whole thing of having a fun org to play with friends in if people don't wanna be in an org because of this.
30 active players, but 6-8 on at most at one time.

What is the headcount of the PD again?

How many active members does the PD have and how many does it have online. It's a huge difference.

I'd love it being scaled based on players online, as that would accurately represent how many people defend a base. The more people, the less risk. Less people more risk.
I think @northnortheast pointed out perfectly why this would not work, Staff have enough work as it is, and writing code to prevent this would also be unreliable. 6 hours is a very fair time, especially considering that it makes the difference between peak and low playercount and prevents any exploiting.

Bringing the PD into the equation is also shortsighted. The PD has received some substantial nerves not limited to max cops and double the NLR. TFU has been slowed down. All changes to account for smaller org sizes. Also your argument is flawed. Comparing the PD which has to cover the entire map and multiple situation at once to an organization with 2 appartments tops is not a fair representation.
The only outcome I am going to consider is changing the 'Active' term from played in the last 7 days to played in the last 6 hours. That will however need to be thought out more before a decision is made.

Wait so what you're saying is that your members are only considered 'Active' in the term if they have been online in the last 6 hours? If I understand that correctly then thats ridiculous..
Wait so what you're saying is that your members are only considered 'Active' in the term if they have been online in the last 6 hours? If I understand that correctly then thats ridiculous..
Good argumentation, Thanks for your productive feedback. Also you don't understand correctly. Active is 1 Week, It's under consideration to be changed to 6 hours
Also you don't understand correctly. Active is 1 Week, It's under consideration to be changed to 6 hours

Exactly what I meant, also no need to be cool about 'Productive feedback', its obvious that most people dont no-life or want to no-life this all the time, so this is obviously a really stupid idea. The initial update was done very well in my opinion, but this is just excessive. Atleast give it 2 or 3 days if it is changed.

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