Organisation Consultation - Register your interest

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Good afternoon,

I hope I find you all well. Recently there has been more focus on the organisation aspect of the server, with updates such as the org update. I want to continue this trend and @Bojing suggested an idea that I liked the sound of.

Essentially we will have something similar to a community meeting but it will be just the leaders of organisations attending. We will discuss what they would like to see in terms of rules and development changes and post the results of the conversation to a thread on the forums for discussion.

I want to encourage as many leaders as possible to attend but I also want this to be productive. The guidelines to be invited to the meeting are as follows:

Your organisation must have been created before this post
Your organisation must have been somewhat active before this post was created
This thread is for you to register your interest and if we have enough leaders willing to attend I will send out a PM organising further communication.

I also understand not everyone will be able to attend as we will have a largish number attending. The leader of any organisation can choose to send a representative in their place so all voices are heard.

You can register your interest here.

Community Management
maybe leaders and the coleaders ?

This could be possible, however, if we have 15 organisations attend that would not lead to a productive meeting.
Interesting idea tbh, would love to see how this would play out
I am an idiot and forgot to have a question for the leaders of the org's forum profiles. I have deleted all responses, can:

24k Triads
The Aceriusatti
The Salamanca Family

all resubmit your forms.
This is going to be unpopular,
But perhaps invite some PD command to give the other side of the server a voice in this meeting (CPT+ or something)
its orgs meeting why would cops main be there !

If cops mains will be on the meeting then asda is out of this meeting !!!!!!!!!!!

not going to share private info with plpd about our crim org
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MARAD fits the criteria, please pm me if it's going to happen as I am interested in attending to at least hear everybody out and discuss the topic.
This is going to be unpopular,
But perhaps invite some PD command to give the other side of the server a voice in this meeting (CPT+ or something)
Why would this be needed for a conversation between organisations about the ORGANISATION update?
Why would this be needed for a conversation between organisations about the ORGANISATION update?

It is not about the organisation update, it's about what organisations would like to see on the server!
This is going to be unpopular,
But perhaps invite some PD command to give the other side of the server a voice in this meeting (CPT+ or something)
as a cop main, well, more cop than crim anyway, I don't think it would be that productive. I think instead the organisations should come to a consensus about common issues and then the suggestions could be put past some PD members and see if there's any glaring concerns.
It is not about the organisation update, it's about what organisations would like to see on the server!
I'm too tired, I read it as feedback from the recent update!!

My point still stands, I'd rather have this be an organisation only event I don't particularly see the benefit of having a PD command there during it
This is going to be unpopular,
But perhaps invite some PD command to give the other side of the server a voice in this meeting (CPT+ or something)
I see your pov, bur not cpt+

If an org can only come with their leaders ONE PD member Major+ can attend maybe?

But i'd say lets see how it plays out, let it become a thing before we add more shit on it.

On second thoughts i agree with @Allen Kennedy 's point
This could be possible, however, if we have 15 organisations attend that would not lead to a productive meeting.
Perhaps a discord stage channel can be used for a larger one? As then staff can manually move people to speaker slots where needed
the real thing that the orgs need now is

after new update max allys are 5 orgs and to have 6 allys you have to have 5 people on org !
the real thing that the orgs need now is

after new update max allys are 5 orgs and to have 6 allys you have to have 5 people on org !
instant ph denied