Action Request (Tyler)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Player's Steam Name: Tyler
Player's Roleplay Name: Barry Barret
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:88281998

Why should this player be punished?: User was gunpointed and ordered to surrender but instead while under gunpoint the user ran around and pulled his gun out to shoot. I let my guard down to him because I truly didn't expect him out of anybody to break 3.4 so I died which sparked a big shootout at Slums due to him being warranted causing many others to die including myself all because of his negligence to follow gunpoint and simply surrender.

Evidence Link:
I'm happy to get my POV on this, as the POV provided makes it look very bad. But I believe I had sufficient time to pull out a weapon from around the corner (which was right next to me) I believed I had multiple org members armed behind me, and we were entering the apartment after a bank raid killing cops. From my POV, I believe I had the AK pulled out before you had fully entered slums and taking that approach to keep me and my org safe from police worked out for everyone in the end, the result would have been the same either way.

To my knowledge of 3.4 I believe I am able to run around a corner that is right next to me, and pull out my weapon if I have sufficient time to do so (but I might be wrong).

If staff could tell me which demo this is. Thank you!!! :D :D :D
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as someone in the background of the first video i'd like to give my pov;
not only was the 'Hands Up' not audible due to you whispering, but Max was infront of Tyler, giving him the sufficient time to run to cover in order to pull out a gun which lead to your death.
(I'd like to add I was tabbed out which is why I didn't instantly respond)

As well as this, your ping is quite high due to you being based on the other side of the earth as the server, this leads to a completely different point of view from both sides of the story. You need to remember that there is a ~1 second delay between your actions being visible for him, and vice versa. As well as thinking about how bad Garry's Mod's VOIP system is.
I'm happy to get my POV on this, as the POV provided makes it look very bad. But I believe I had sufficient time to pull out a weapon from around the corner (which was right next to me) I believed I had multiple org members armed behind me, and we were entering the apartment after a bank raid killing cops. From my POV, I believe I had the AK pulled out before you had fully entered slums and taking that approach to keep me and my org safe from police worked out for everyone in the end, the result would have been the same either way.

To my knowledge of 3.4 I believe I am able to run around a corner that is right next to me, and pull out my weapon if I have sufficient time to do so (but I might be wrong).

If staff could tell me which demo this is. Thank you!!! :D :D :D
Please provide your POV of the situation as soon as possible.
I disagree that Barry was sufficient cover whatsoever.

To my understanding of 3.4 all 3 of you being very close to each other and under gunpoint should prompt surrender. The only exception would maybe be you using the barricade.
As said before I don't think this is 3.4 In my clip I reacted before I heard a command given to me, all I really saw was a crazy gunman! I also ran around the corner (out of your vision to safety) To my knowledge 3.4 does work like this:
  • If you take someone at gunpoint near a corner where they could reasonable run around said corner and flee or defend him/her self they may do so.

There was also a person in-between us which I believed would have obstructed your vision/movement in that moment.

Hope this clears things up :)
As said before I don't think this is 3.4 In my clip I reacted before I heard a command given to me, all I really saw was a crazy gunman! I also ran around the corner (out of your vision to safety) To my knowledge 3.4 does work like this:

There was also a person in-between us which I believed would have obstructed your vision/movement in that moment.

Hope this clears things up :)

Referring to official and most recent guide unlike the seemingly outdated post you linked you can see your alibi would be best categorized under a bad example if you scroll to the bottom to view them.

Referring to official and most recent guide unlike the seemingly outdated post you linked you can see your alibi would be best categorized under a bad example if you scroll to the bottom to view them.
It literally says the exact same thing as what I said, the Project Wall is both bullet proof to your SCAR and out of your view. I believe I could get good distance given the obstacles.
It literally says the exact same thing as what I said, the Project Wall is both bullet proof to your SCAR and out of your view. I believe I could get good distance given the obstacles.
The argument that because the wall is bulletproof gets into gray territory


because if that's really the differentiating factor why is the distance in these two pictures the factor between good and bad? I would argue I was a extremely close and to hide behind that wall was too significant of a risk as I could have instead of being so merciful just turned it and shot you for not surrendering immediately.
The argument that because the wall is bulletproof gets into gray territory

View attachment 17970

because if that's really the differentiating factor why is the distance in these two pictures the factor between good and bad? I would argue I was a extremely close and to hide behind that wall was too significant of a risk as I could have instead of being so merciful just turned it and shot you for not surrendering immediately.
I think the distance would apply (If there wasn't a human in your way), given the OBSTACLES I have stated it caused a slower entry allowing me more DISTANCE. It gave me enough time to pull out my gun, killing you. This is my last reply I will let staff decide!!!
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I think the distance would apply (If there wasn't a human in your way), given the OBSTACLES I have stated, It gave me enough time to pull out my gun, killing you. This is my last reply I will let staff decide!!!
Okay then we just disagree on the human being an "obstacle" cause I don't see how he was "sufficient cover." Thanks for your input, It'll be interesting to see what staff have to say regardless of either outcome.

Both perspectives are pretty different stories but as far as I'm concerned @TylerReadman1 , From his viewpoint perspective at least, did not break gunpoint.

Reviewed with @3izu
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