Police Suggestion Full integration of PLPD.online into PERPHeads forums

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Suggestion Title: Full integration of PLPD.online into PERPHeads forums
Suggestion Description: Full integration of PLPD.online into PERPHeads forums - thereby removing the need for two individual accounts & individual websites. It could simply just be PLPD.online as we know it now integrated into its own section under the PERPHeads domain, with accounts carried over.

Also integrate notifications - either under the current notifications tab or as a separate tab for PLPD notifications, so any important information for the PLPD is received on the forums.

Why should this be added?:
- For those less active - much easier to keep track of any updates to policy within the PLPD - for example the new changes to TFU activity requirements, which I had no clue of until I got notified on Steam that I received a warning for it.

- Everything is in one place - should be more integration as it is.

What negatives could this have?:
- Significant work necessary to make this possible.
for example the new changes to TFU activity requirements, which I had no clue of until I got notified on Steam that I received a warning for it.
it's your responsibility as an officer to check plpd.online at least once every week.
it's your responsibility as an officer to check plpd.online at least once every week.
well yeah of course thats on me but isnt it a bit stupid that there is no actual integration with the perpheads website?

login details never get saved in plpd.online, the save button doesnt actually work so if i want to quickly check it its just inconvenient, barely works properly on my phone

what is the necessity of a separate website other than excess convolution?

and what actual negatives come with integration other than the work required?
well yeah of course thats on me but isnt it a bit stupid that there is no actual integration with the perpheads website?

login details never get saved in plpd.online, the save button doesnt actually work so if i want to quickly check it its just inconvenient, barely works properly on my phone

what is the necessity of a separate website other than excess convolution?

and what actual negatives come with integration other than the work required?
the login creds not saving is deffo also on you, works perfectly for me, i don't really feel the need to check plpd.online on my phone, but i just checked it rn it's not that bad, if it's just to read inboxes & check notifications.

i think the integration of having one account work for both, is a bit aids and you underestimate the time it would take to actually make it all work fully integrated into the forums, unless you do something stupid like an embed. I believe it's time wasted, they could use to develop other nicer stuff for the community. I've seen in the past that getting enough people motivated to make a big change to PLPD.online is very hard.
Your suggestion confuses me and I am seeing it in two ways:

1 - Move its functionality into the main forum: For so many reasons I don't really see how this is possible without significant development work as XenoForo is not designed to do everything PLPD Online does without some serious drawbacks and overcomplications.

2 - Have a semi link, you use your forum acc to access PLPD online and notifications sync up, thats a pretty good idea although there is already a link to the PLPD on the forums and all this really solves is you not needing to login with diff creds, or login to PLPD to check new stuff.

Let me know if I totally missread this
Why not have it so you link PLPD to PH and then when you check this website it also gives you notifications from PLPD as well? It shouldn't be too hard to just have the notifications show, you still have to click on the PLPD website to do things but you won't miss notifications. I get emailed for that stuff here but PLPD never emails me.

No convoluted integration just simple notifications. It seems like the issue that occurred in this post would of been prevented if that was a feature.
Why not have it so you link PLPD to PH and then when you check this website it also gives you notifications from PLPD as well? It shouldn't be too hard to just have the notifications show, you still have to click on the PLPD website to do things but you won't miss notifications. I get emailed for that stuff here but PLPD never emails me.

No convoluted integration just simple notifications. It seems like the issue that occurred in this post would of been prevented if that was a feature.

Also integrate notifications - either under the current notifications tab or as a separate tab for PLPD notifications, so any important information for the PLPD is received on the forums.

This is a great idea. I think a lot of community members would benefit from having notification send when there is anything on plpd.online that requires you to take action or is critical. Even if it was possible to integrate plpd.online, it seems like the other bit of your suggestion solves the issue you and I could imagine others too are having.
@Sindarin better start typing up a bot rn…

We used to receive information regarding punishments and the likes in our forum inbox too. We could instead proactively use the forums as command to send the message there if this is too much hassle.

The problem lies with policy inboxes and having to send an inbox to a whole division.
I remember when we used a different forum category for PLPD stuff. It sucked. PLPD Online, whilst a bit awkward, is it's own thing for a reason, and is for the most part, fit for purpose. There's no reason to switch back to any kind of forum-based system, or attempting to integrate them any further.
Here's an exact reproduction of the plpd.online website right now:


Before even considering a full scale migration / integration I believe a lot of things need to be improved. For a long time I don't think we'll have a better solution than the 2 separate websites as we have now
@Sindarin better start typing up a bot rn…

We used to receive information regarding punishments and the likes in our forum inbox too. We could instead proactively use the forums as command to send the message there if this is too much hassle.

The problem lies with policy inboxes and having to send an inbox to a whole division.
What is possible with a bot on discord is the following, as for a forum bot I do not know as I haven't looked into how that works:

When you are given a notification on PLPD Online the bot sends you a discord DM
When a mass inbox is made the bot sends you a discord DM
PLPD Shoutbox and 'Real' Announcements can be pasted into the PLPD discord and sent to you via the bot

The issue currently is that due to the bot only being in the private PLPD Discord normal officers do not have access to it *Although this seems like mainly a issue for people who actually have things to do and there already in the discord so eh*
Here's an exact reproduction of the plpd.online website right now:


Before even considering a full scale migration / integration I believe a lot of things need to be improved. For a long time I don't think we'll have a better solution than the 2 separate websites as we have now

I am very certain that in the early days of PLPD Online there was a Steam login button... although the implementation is not something I'm very proud of. Couldn't we just reintroduce that to mitigate the issue of having two separate accounts?

Integrating PLPD Online fully into the forums is a daunting task, due to how the website is built. Integrating the notifications however should be possible.

I haven't seen the code of PLPD Online in years, so I have no clue what the current state is (and I shudder at the thought of it) but re-integrating Steam login and pumping notifications over to the forums should not be that big of a task to accomplish.
You could also make the lobby NPC tell you if you have any unread notifications after you click "Go on duty":
By they way [Name], you have 1 unread notification on plpd.online. Please, go check it out in the computer.

[Sure thing, sarge (close)]
(This doesn't solve the issue for inactive players)

Finally, what about sending e-mails for long-unread notifications? If you don't read it after 72h, send an email
Steam Login is there, but it can only be used for password resets.

An on-duty reminder of is probably going to simpler to create. We already have part of this for the single-sign on system on the police computer.
Even though most of people are not aware PLPD.online is much more complicated than managing officers. Also, its probably a whole different app with a whole different architecture, therefore it will probably require everything re-written. For basic management maybe its possible, but all things solved via plpd.online such as: IA investigations, user ranks, managing access, applications, blacklists, discharges, records etc cannot be easily implemented on the forums.

For me it also serves a way to boost immersion. It's a police extranet site, where everyting can be managed, and it looks more like a real police management system. Forums are mostly OOC, and that would ruin that immersion.

Full integration will not happen

An on-duty reminder of is probably going to simpler to create. We already have part of this for the single-sign on system on the police computer.
Already planned on happening, might look into the forum thing though (Notifications only, no functionality)
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