10.4 Unlawful Assembly & 2.3? Right to Lawful Assembly

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Dubai, UAE
Recently, I have been enjoying the large gatherings and protests at and around PD and City Hall. I think it adds excellent RP opportunities for both government and civilians, but I realise there aren't really any laws outlining the rights of gatherers and LEO. I know people will say 11.8 Loitering and 6.5 Cooperation with the Orders of Law Enforcement Personnel. However, these are underused and don't clearly outline the rights/definitions of what protesters can do and the inherent risk of forcing a large group of people to leave an area.

10.4 Unlawful Assembly
"Gathering of persons for the purpose of committing either a crime involving force or a noncriminal act in a manner likely to terrify the public or create public unrest."
Up to $3000 fine

2.3? Right to Lawful Assembly
"The right to hold peaceful meetings, sit-ins, strikes, rallies, events or protests"
PLPD procedures for dispersing protesters should be introduced alongside this with the following terminology.

Dispersal Orders
"An order to disperse is required from a supervisor (SGT+) before officers can act on 10.4 Unlawful Assembly to ensure that the correct resources, e.g. EMS, Fire and sufficient officers are present to execute the order successfully with minimum injury and risk to both civilians and government officials. The supervisor ensures that protesters' right to lawful assembly isn't impeded and LEO are acting within Paralake City legislation."

Use of Force And Procedures For Dealing With Unlawful Assembly
1. Dispersal order is read aloud from the supervisor in charge with a stated time to disperse.
"I, LT Oliver Wescott, a supervisor within the PLPD, have determined this assembly to be unlawful. Therefore, with the power invested in me by the city of Paralake, formally issue an order of dispersal from this area. You have three minutes to leave the area or risk detainment and/or prosecution under law 11.4 Unlawful Assembly."

2. Once the allotted time has passed, officers can use non-lethal force to enforce the dispersal order for all present, ideally detaining ring leaders and those posing high resistance to the order.

3. Once a person is detained, they should be immediately escorted from the area for their safety and to prevent more civil unrest.

I think this would create some great RP scenarios for both government and civilians. Please let me know your thoughts or any terminology changes.
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+1 couldn't have said it better, i completely agree that it's very fun and i would like to see some more of this happening
What would stop police from doing what they do in real life and just declaring it a unlawful assembly because of [insert made up reason here] and arrest everyone when the protestors says things the police don't like? This is more or less how riots start in many parts of the world.
What would stop police from doing what they do in real life and just declaring it a unlawful assembly because of [insert made up reason here] and arrest everyone when the protestors says things the police don't like? This is more or less how riots start in many parts of the world.
They can only issue this if there is violence, serious threat of violence, disorderly conduct or it is disrupting the city in such a way it cannot function effectively.
10.4 Unlawful Assembly
"Gathering of persons for the purpose of committing either a crime involving force or a noncriminal act in a manner likely to terrify the public or create public unrest."
Up to $3000 fine

2.3? Right to Lawful Assembly
"The right to hold peaceful meetings, sit-ins, strikes, rallies, events or protests"
These seem a bit ambiguously defined.. It allows an officer to decide what is a peaceful and non-peaceful protest.

I'd say that 10.4 should refer to law 10.1.
These seem a bit ambiguously defined.. It allows an officer to decide what is a peaceful and non-peaceful protest.

I'd say that 10.4 should refer to law 10.1.
The problem with 10.1 is that it's more individual. Charging ten people with 10.1 requires evidence of everyone there breaking that specific law, whereas ordering ten people to leave under threat of 10.4 removes the risk of IA's and complaints as it's specific to the group as a whole.
What would stop police from doing what they do in real life and just declaring it a unlawful assembly because of [insert made up reason here] and arrest everyone when the protestors says things the police don't like? This is more or less how riots start in many parts of the world.
Would create more RP in these situations.

At least it would feel like it’s escalated to a violent point!