Police Suggestion Make the C2 breaching charges do damage at close range

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Suggestion Title: Make the C2 breaching charges do damage at close range
Suggestion Description: Since the C2 is basically a small bomb I think it should deal damage to people.

Why should this be added?:
It's ruining my serious rp experience if someone can stand right next to it and not have their face blown up.

What negatives could this have?:
I don't think that there's any negatives to this.
Breaching charges in real life actually post more risk to the operator than whoever’s on the other side of the door seeing as a huge amount of the energy is directed backwards instead of forwards.
The door should do damage as it flies off its hinges slaughtering any who dare stand in its way.
im 99% sure anyone who downvotes this is a cop main +1 realistic
This suggestion would be turning the C2 charge into a combat tool against crims, I don't think its Cop mains who dislike this idea.

I stand by the fact that the C2 Charge should also be dangerous to detonate if you stand directly behind it, Because again, Most of the blast of a C2 Charge is directed backwards.

A demonstration showing the back blast of a Police Breaching Charge, Followed by an explanation on how they work.

I agree that the C2 Charge should absolutely be dangerous to people standing within its blast radius.
The door should do damage as it flies off its hinges slaughtering any who dare stand in its way.
I disagree that this should be the thing that damages people solely because of how the doors work upon being breached, Sometimes doors can fly through objects too.
as a diehard copmain, i think it should do damage so that unrealistic rushes are impossible, but for balancing i think that damage area shouldn't be big, like maybe 3 player-lenghts or something like that
A damage effect on the exterior and a rag doll effect if you’re too close on the interior would be a cool addition
A damage effect on the exterior and a rag doll effect if you’re too close on the interior would be a cool addition
I think if you’re hit by the exterior damage effect you should also be ragdolled due to your intake of most of the back blast along with the damage.

Other than that that’s the best version in my opinion.
A damage effect on the exterior and a rag doll effect if you’re too close on the interior would be a cool addition
This, but seriously this is a serious RP server guys cmon. The fucking explosive doesn't harm you when you're 1 cm from it? Immersion is ruined. All the crim mains are defo the ones downvoting this

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