SAW: The Test

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SAW: The Test

SAW: The Test is a cooperative game in which players must let go of their greedy nature and cooperate to receive the prize at the end. The Test consists of 3 puzzles. Each puzzle must be solved in cooperation with the other person in the room. Escape before the time runs out.

October 20th

Let the game begin.

Thank you for participating!

SAW: The Test has been a resounding success, with @LilacAndGooseberries and I working constantly for around 5 hours to keep up with the amount of people that wanted to try it - and we didn't even get everyone through. Keep an eye out in the coming weekends, perhaps we will put it up again for those who didn't make it - or perhaps we will make a sequel.

But for now, thank you to all the participants for making this a completely worthwhile build to make! You're awesome!

(Also, be sure to check back in a few days time when I've uploaded some clips from it - both impressive solve and some hilarious arguments between players)
I just want to add to this one last time! Thank you all so much for joining the event, The amount to support and praise we received for this was astounding. I’m so happy me snd keiwa built this and the fact you all enjoyed it just as much makes me extremely happy! Please stay tuned for future projects we may do! Once again from the bottom of my heart, thank you!