Ban Dispute (ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Fullbot
Your Roleplay Name: Jens Pudding
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:244101663

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.1 3.4

Why should this appeal be considered?: i think it would be considered because i never saw that i was getting gun pointed so i just ran, and when i ran away i heard the guy said stop your gonna be tazed so i just kept running then i ran on the highway which i simply just forgot i couldnt, but then i saw the message like, "a staff thinks your doing something stupid" then i noticed that it wasnt allowed so i ran back then a random guy came i jumped in and ellie slammed his car to the ground, i think it was unfair because i didnt rly see a gun. only after the car was slammed to the ground so i surrendered, so i think it was quite unfair, in the f6 Ellie wasnt even listining to me what i had to say, suddenly i get a message with my ban history is one of the worst which i agree on but it has been 7 months since last ban so i learned my lesson, then i just got banned i didnt even have a chance to show my view

Additional Information: Ellie wasnt listening to me at all
if you want demo it would be easier to contact me on discord - jkninjafan
I have edited your ban about the gunpoint outside of PD and removed that part, because from my POV it looked like the officer gun pointed at you with a shotgun, but when I checked my demo it was a battering ram so you did not break 3.4 in that situation, my bad.

In your report you admit breaking 3.4 on the highway so what part of the ban are you disputing?
I have edited your ban about the gunpoint outside of PD and removed that part, because from my POV it looked like the officer gun pointed at you with a shotgun, but when I checked my demo it was a battering ram so you did not break 3.4 in that situation, my bad.

In your report you admit breaking 3.4 on the highway so what part of the ban are you disputing?
tbh i didnt know what do do i just wanted to get the gp fixed since it was unfair
tbh i didnt know what do do i just wanted to get the gp fixed since it was unfair

That's fair enough my apologies, but it's been edited. You still want this to be dealt with?
i dont even know what dispute mean, xd

You can appeal a ban in two ways:
Apologise if you acknowledge you breakign the rules but sorry for your mistake.
Dispute - if you don't feel like you broke any rules and the ban is invalid.
Well the only tule i didnt break was gp, so if thats removed everything fine
Well the only tule i didnt break was gp, so if thats removed everything fine


The ban was edited to explain the situation more after I went into my own demo and saw what really happened fully and the ban have been lowered to fit the rulebreak properly.
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