2766 Introduction

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Hello, my name is 2766! Some of you might know me, others might not. I just wanna introduce myself to all the new players on this and give you some words of wisdom. 105 days ago I had one of the biggest blows to my life. I was caught and banned for my prior cheating. I used a script made by the server developers that removes visual recoil from your screen, it was unfair, I gained an advantage over other players that I feel shame for to this day. Please.. If you are able to play perpheads rp server appreciate that ability and your situation. Do not take the server for granted or you might end up like me.... a broken cautionary tale... that can't rp with my friends anymore....
HEED this mans call.... FOR he does not lie. preaching to the choir brotha..... I wake up and get excited to do my 2 raids before breakfast before I remember. I usually just sit in bed and maybe cry for a bit instead ( especially if it was a weekend ). Overall I would say my life has only went downhill since and it is all my fault.
when i gotted banned for metagmaing i cryed for 3 days in straight, i lost all my hair and cut out my family as i prached perphead fourm
hello nice to meat you you seem like nice guy im gonna get you unban soon:) trust the process
Cop mains shivering at the thought of this man and @Max returning… safe for now I guess :shifty:
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