Police Suggestion Phone tracker

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PD Holding Cell
Suggestion Title: Phone tracker
Suggestion Description: So at this moment if you assign yourself to a stolen car a tracker will tell you where it is. Now i was thinking the same thing but for life alerts or criminals. Firet of all to life alerts: the leife alert goes off and Pd is allerted. They get on scene and the body is nowhere to be found. They assign their unit and check the tracker and find the body in an apartment.
Now for criminals: you would have to go to the DD to untrack your phone. For example every 5 minutes if an officer creats an incident or you guys make a auto incident of a warranted suspect and if a officer assigne themselves every 5 minutes a update on their location id goven.

Why should this be added?:
- fun and cool way to track down criminals/ bodies

What negatives could this have?:
- more ways to find criminals which eould be annoying because you always have to fo to the DD or regnatech to remove the tracker
I played on a gta server where pd had detectives that had the ability to do this and it worked pretty well there but it won’t work on perp and here is why

- You cannot turn your phone off on perp
- The perp map is way too small for this kind of feature
Half the suggestion is sloppy and incoherent. You should at least make the effort to articulate what you’re suggesting in a way that’s understandable.

For the tracking idea in general it’s not befitting of Perpheads. It gives the cops way too much power and leads to more unnecessary shootouts.
I agree with the above, this is too powerful for perp, it's hard enough for criminals to hide from police as it is.
I played on a gta server where pd had detectives that had the ability to do this and it worked pretty well there but it won’t work on perp and here is why

- You cannot turn your phone off on perp
- The perp map is way too small for this kind of feature
Agreed. The GTA V map is enormous. PERP doesn't even cover the area of Los Santos, let alone the entirety of the map.

The thing I really hate about our Paralake map is simply the lack of alternative routes. If you want to escape by car from Suburbs you really only have 2 roads on which you can leave, going onto the highway which is even more restricting (unless you go on the opposite lane). It gets even worse trying to escape from the city or business.

As cops, we already abuse the fact that you can't turn off your phone quite frequently, by calling or texting.

Besides, it's fun having wanted criminals run around and doing traffic stops without knowing the person is warranted until the weird ANPR finally picks it up and you go full panic.

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