Voice chat not working with Chromium version on

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Ight so when i put my gmod to the "chromium" version as told to see the youtube on tvs in-game.
My voice chat doesn't work, when i click test microphone it wont do anything but when i change the game beta version to "none" it works fine.

Anybody had this problem before and yall know if there's a fix?
Ight so when i put my gmod to the "chromium" version as told to see the youtube on tvs in-game.
My voice chat doesn't work, when i click test microphone it wont do anything but when i change the game beta version to "none" it works fine.

Anybody had this problem before and yall know if there's a fix?
Press Windows + I and go to audio go down until it says "Microphone" and select the one that you use. after that it should work
Press Windows + I and go to audio go down until it says "Microphone" and select the one that you use. after that it should work
nothing really happens when i press windows + i or l whatever letter you put in
my mic works perfectly fine without chromium though
Because this could have a few solution that may or may not fix your problem.
So if you can't talk by chance you need to change your microphone that you can find in sound settings and change to the preferred mic/ Input
Does the 64 bit executable have acces to your mic in the windows privacy settings? I had this with Discord the other week after a windows update disabled *all* mic permissions, drove me nuts.
Does the 64 bit executable have acces to your mic in the windows privacy settings? I had this with Discord the other week after a windows update disabled *all* mic permissions, drove me nuts.
If that doesn't work try message swiftersy on discord or add me and i can try to discover your issue
It does have acces to the 64 bit yeah, but ill send you a dm in a couple days Swify would be great for a fix.
Ight so when i put my gmod to the "chromium" version as told to see the youtube on tvs in-game.
My voice chat doesn't work, when i click test microphone it wont do anything but when i change the game beta version to "none" it works fine.

Anybody had this problem before and yall know if there's a fix?
I will try to create the issue on mines and see if it's possible to resolve
what did you have before chromium
I need a picture like this so i can see what may be wrong Picture
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I will try to create the issue on mines and see if it's possible to resolve
what did you have before chromium
I need a picture like this so i can see what may be wrong Picture
I had the default/standard setting for gmod, ill give you the picture on friday not on my pc right now.

Sounds like it's a common issue. People on Github fixed it by using DSOAL - try downloading the DLLs from here and place them in your garrysmod/bin/win64/ folder.

Sounds like it's a common issue. People on Github fixed it by using DSOAL - try downloading the DLLs from here and place them in your garrysmod/bin/win64/ folder
Thanks man, ill check it out today once im home, first uninstalling and if the problem is still there ill do your method.
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