my name on the server is: Kile James
my steam ID is:STEAM_0:1:16195506
Reason: i bought VIP on the PERP server on the 9th of January 2015 but i don't get any of the benefits out of it e.g. i cant become swat or LT
Evidence: my evidence is the print screen i took of my Paypal account showing my money being donated to the server
also the fact i can't get a squad car although i bought VIP and VIP says that you can always get a squad car.
(the time and date is located at the bottom right although you will have to look closely).
my steam ID is:STEAM_0:1:16195506
Reason: i bought VIP on the PERP server on the 9th of January 2015 but i don't get any of the benefits out of it e.g. i cant become swat or LT
Evidence: my evidence is the print screen i took of my Paypal account showing my money being donated to the server

also the fact i can't get a squad car although i bought VIP and VIP says that you can always get a squad car.