Warning Dispute (Sidd)

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Reaction score
Ohio, United States of America
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @sidd
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Eric Jonson
Your Roleplay Name: Eric Jonson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80703450

Why were you punished?: 3.30 - User confiscated a weapon when it could have been watched by other officers.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I had flanked around the entire city garage and while confirming it was clear i managed to take down a sniper at the stairs of the top floor. I had secured the man said GG in looc and then proceeded to stand by for a second when 2 officers 1 being TFU came up and took positions at the top where you can see the bank itself and engage suspects. I acted within policy and took the firearm as i had no one to watch it and the bank was being shot up from a massive shootout. Sidd suggested i waste valuable time and move the gun over from one side of the garage to the other. if i had done this i clearly would not be acting in the best interests of the city which is against policy and rules. We had active shooters at the bank and all officers that were left were focused on engaging suspects. We were all busy focusing with shooters at the bank and didn't have time to watch over a gun anymore which was hurting the city itself. If i had continued to waste my time or make someone else watch the gun we would not be acting in the best interest of the city basically ignoring active bank robberies who were at the bank. This is a outrageous warning. I didn't have the time to waste to slowly move a gun all the way from one side of the garage to the other when there are active shooters killing cops at the bank. This warning is absolutely insane

Additional Information: N/A

Can you please provide the demo: perpheads_demo_2024-3-16 20-46-15

Please provide this within 24 Hours

After reviewing the demo, it's clear that the gun was confiscated prematurely. You had a TFO and 2 other pistol cops with you on top of the city garage that you could have commanded to supervise the weapon if you had to relocate. There was still an ongoing shootout at the bank when this occurred which was evident as you died about 15 seconds after confiscating the weapon.

Next time, only confiscate the weapon if it is safe to do so and if leaving it would be considered a risk of being tampered with by members of the public. In this specific scenario, you could have thrown the weapon towards your officers out of the city garage stairs and should only confiscate it if you had no one else to watch over it (for example, if you decided to relocate towards the bank and overseeing the weapon would not be a valid option).

Reviewed with: @AwesomeGamersHQ and @Ezza
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