Server Suggestion Preview chest contents when on sale

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Suggestion Title: Preview chest contents when on sale
Suggestion Description: This would give the user a preview of what's in a chest that is currently on sale. (as suggested by sejdo smokvica plin, possibly toggling the preview visibility would be great)

Why should this be added?:

- Chests are made more viable in shops as a result, because everyone knows what's inside there is no risk to being scammed
- Kit chests are viable (selling kits of weapons, meds, and nades all in one package)
- Lower prop count overall because more items are in chests

What negatives could this have?:
- Mystery boxes impossible unless the purchase is made without a cash register

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Prop counts at Bazaar and chests being useless for anything but storage
The point of this suggestion is so that you can see what’s inside the chest so making this an option would be counter intuitive
I think it's fine because the people who want to make mystery boxes can and the people who don't can just enable the preview