Ban Dispute (Goonsberg)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Goonsberg
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: samor
Your Roleplay Name: Dimitri Tamas
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:611069151

Why were you punished?: 1.2 - Discrimination // Banned for Enforcer Goonsberg

Why should this appeal be considered?: I got banned for asking this girl what flag she had on her jacket and told her no girls here because we was going to rob people at the drug dealer so i told her to leave thats no mean to discriminat her just to get her to leave my english is not so good but i did not mean it to be any racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, i did not discriminate her in any way 1 month ban for asking her to leave the area? Sorry i could not find demo it not record my voice so i can not provide clip but the lady has clip im sure that. I dont think no girls here is not discrimination when telling to go away so she dont counter when we mug people at drug dealer.
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You posted a video (my video btw) of your friend discriminating against me and you laughing in agreement. You also got the wrong video as this isn’t the one for your ban.
You posted a video (my video btw) of your friend discriminating against me and you laughing in agreement. You also got the wrong video as this isn’t the one for your ban.
Yes i laugh but it was not to be meant to be rude to you,
i was just mad because you crashed into my car.
Im sorry if you felt i discriminating you but it was not my intention.
Best regards,
You crashed into my car on the wrong side of the road what do you mean? Either way you did it and you only feel remorse after being punished.
i did not mean it

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