Reaction score
double mini roundabout

Welcome to August's Community Spotlight!


Here we recap on how Players, Staff and Developers made our Community great during the past month.​
Reskinned Remington
Made by @kasperr
Kasperr was recently introduced to our Development Team (after leaving the Helper Team :mad:), and his current models and recent updates have been very high quality!
Crowbar throne
Made by @taylorxxhunt
A very creative (and expensive) crowbar throne! Very cool.

Swedish police skins
Made by @Havi
Very high quality police skins from Sverige!

NYFD Ambulance Skin
Made by @Havi

Sneaky grill operation
Made by @DB KILLER
A small hideaway from their base to respond if need be! And good, realistic use of the grills too!
Made by
INCREDIBLE Duck Hunt event made by the glorious Tyrone and WWWW..., if you have more pictures then PUT THEM IN HERE!!
We are no longer posting shooting montages in Community Spotlights unless they're amazing


Here you will find information relating to changes in the community; including the Staff Roster, Update Logs and Rule Changes.​
We'd like to welcome new faces into our Community Team:
@Chris Flynn
We've also had some departures and would like to appreciate
their dedication during the time they spent with us!


Here is the HUGE update we had in the month of August

Paralake V6 - Still waiting...​

Paralake V6 is still chugging on through!

Later this month, we will post more about the props and assets you're likely to see in the map, as well as some other tidbits.​

Honourable Mentions

Other content, players, staff members or changes that we would like to mention.


Recently, we've had a huge spate of reports come through, and noticed that the information provided by the player sometimes may not be sufficient to act on, or the player simply stops responding to
replies. Please make sure you keep on top of reports you make! This will free up time for not only our staff members, but also others' whose requests may take more time to resolve.
We really appreciate your patience! Thanks very much.​
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okay guys now we saturate the roleplay scene with same repetitive builds and interactions so nothing is worth spotlighting and its gonna go from community spotlight to update summary thread
And I won't miss them at all...finally maybe some people will make some creative videos instead
The whole process of editing/creating a montage regardless of the content is fun and most including myself do it for fun, from recollection huskydog all youve done is criticise maybe you should make something creative too!
The whole process of editing/creating a montage regardless of the content is fun and most including myself do it for fun, from recollection huskydog all youve done is criticise maybe you should make something creative too!
I criticize because all I do is creative, both me and @Eistee von Aldi worked on the newspaper he made a post about. I can’t even name the other tons of things I’ve helped with in the past that have also got into the community spotlight with builds and what not. The only montages that were even coherently good was from @Megasaw and @rxsm edit: forgot to mention @Valentine montages were good too

Oh yeah and sticking some shitty rap or drill music and splicing together some effects in Davinci resolve or adobe is not hard. I also haven’t been playing for 1-2 months as I have been busy. So I can’t really make things if I’m not here can I?
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He worked on both last months and Augusts Paralake Independent newspaper.

They didnt make it in the spotlight.
However I promise you both were better than your midtages
I criticize because all I do is creative, both me and @Eistee von Aldi worked on the newspaper he made a post about. I can’t even name the other tons of things I’ve helped with in the past that have also got into the community spotlight with builds and what not. The only montages that were even coherently good was from @Megasaw and @rxsm edit: forgot to mention @Valentine montages were good too

Oh yeah and sticking some shitty rap or drill music and splicing together some effects in Davinci resolve or adobe is not hard. I also haven’t been playing for 1-2 months as I have been busy. So I can’t really make things if I’m not here can I?
Slander saying I use drill music by the way, for the record I use songs that I actually enjoy not just because it works in a montage, seems like I have a nibble out of @Eistee von Aldi which was quite funny, it’s all subjective I’m in firm agreement that @Megasaw montage was incredible, my point was you criticise shooting montages as a whole claiming indirectly that they’re not creative, whether it’s one of your poorly worded newspapers or a shittage from @Kali it’s content made for/out of the community, for the record there’s not many opinions that I value less than both of yours so I will continue to create “midtages” of my own accord