Server Suggestion Uber job

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PD Holding Cell
Suggestion Title: Uber job
Suggestion Description: Currently in my opinion the taxe vehicles are lame and slow. im reccomending that you add a uber job that would work on your phone. someone requests a pickup and the driver can use his own vehicles to pick them up. the money can be either payed cash or payed via banking ap before the ride. to make sure that people also play the taxi job, make it so uber is cheaper (less pay for the driver) and make it only one slot. you could also exclude some cars such as the mini cooper.

Why should this be added?:
- would be an alternative for the taxi
- you would be able to driver around being an uber without the risk of being robbed of their money
- you can drive your own cars while doing taxi services

What negatives could this have?:
- there is the posibillity if this is added that the taxi job would be less played
- it will take dev time to make the all
- most likely going to be abused as you can use your own car

What problem would this suggestion solve?: not really a problem but it will add a nice feauture imo
Courier already does this, it’s just so unknown cause all the UI budget went into a Tetris phone game instead of the courier app
The negatives outweigh the positives

Solution (WORKING METHOD 2024):
  1. Spawn car of choice
  2. Open chat through Y
  3. Write /advert OFFERING UBER SERVICES, call *enter number*
  4. Bring a gun if you're scared you're going to get jumped in the woods or don't take fares there
  5. Enjoy Uber job at home
Suggestion Title: Uber job
Suggestion Description: Currently in my opinion the taxe vehicles are lame and slow. im reccomending that you add a uber job that would work on your phone. someone requests a pickup and the driver can use his own vehicles to pick them up. the money can be either payed cash or payed via banking ap before the ride. to make sure that people also play the taxi job, make it so uber is cheaper (less pay for the driver) and make it only one slot. you could also exclude some cars such as the mini cooper.
What negatives could this have?:
We will get copyrighted
So what you’re saying is, replace the taxi driver job with a lazier system?

Absolutely nothing prevents you from just doing this without a job, and nothing about this update sounds remotely better than the taxi system. Choosing to have a taxi and an Uber job, and making the Uber job better than taxi drivers would just make the taxi job useless. If the Uber is cheaper, people are just going to reap the benefits of being employed thus preventing muggings and use Uber because it’s cheaper than Taxis, who already see little to no use.

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