Favourite games?

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We all know that Garry's Mod is number one, but besides that what are your favorite games?
Battlefield Bad Company 2 (All-time favorite battlefield)
Grand Theft Auto Sanandreas (Best GTA I played)
Counter Strike
Day Of Defeat Source
H1Z1- Fits on this list because it is kind of addicting and fun with friends :kappa:
Archeage- One of the best MMO I have played.
Number one on my list will be Vindictus, which I also stream every now and then.

And I don't frickin' care that this isn't a game, but SFM is on second place.

Then there's Battlefield Bad Company 2, Destiny (PS3) and Grand Theft Auto SA/V (They share the same spot m80)
Probably all the Counter strike games for me and also 1 of my more liked games is Apb reloaded (yes i know its shit now ).
Half life one & Road trip on the ps2
Cod finest hour on GameCube (#original)
Coh 1&2
L.A noire
True crime New York city & Streets of LA
First two are more like favourite series, but obviously I have a favourite in the acctual series. Goes in order:

1. Fallout series. Fallout 3 being my favourite.
2. The Elder Scrolls series. I have yet to play Morrowind, but enjoyed Oblivion the most.
3. Mount and Blade: Warband.

Thanks to these games having pretty much endless modding opportunities, the value of the acctual game just massively exceeds the original price payed to obtain it.
My favorites That give me nostalgia are: Halo 1 & 2 Both are great games i like the first one more, Second is Max Payne 1, Tomb Raider series was one of my favorites. Im replaying it at the moment. New games That i like are mostly: CSGO and some others.
Baldur's gate series, top favorite.
Elder scrolls Oblivion
Prince of Persia Warrior Within
Counter Strike Global Offensive, Stranded Deep, Chivalry Medival Warfare, Rust, DayZ (And Much More)
Has to be Far Cry 3 for me. I enjoyed it the most out of all the games ive ever played. That game was perfect for me in every possible way. The story was amazing, Vaas was so well voiced and made, the graphics and gameplay were amazing aswell.