Senior Monkey Management have been made aware via the interweb (Discord) that the organisation is "dead". But, after careful deliberation, and it being the season of giving, we have decided to allow inhabitants of Paralake to apply to join our
We have arranged an array of questions so we can gauge your understanding of the MiP Standard Operating Procedures.
General Questions ;
Roleplay Name ;
Net cop playtime in the year 2023 ;
Inventory and Bank Balance images ;
Firearms level ;
Cars ;
Image of the crosshair you use ;
How many people need to be raiding in one party to constitute being a ZERG (According to a Taylor Swift fanatic) ;
Situational Awareness Questions ;
You are on a date with a 9/10 inside Roxie's Diner, things are going well and she wants to go back to Regals 5 with you after you finish eating. Then, you see Nate 'The Bigwhal' Jones call "KOS PROJEX" inside Organisation Chat. Nate's rank is :Crown: Capo :Crown: while you are merely a :CashMoney: Associate :CashMoney:. How would you approach this situation, please ensure your answer is detailed ;
You have already partaken in 2 raids during an hour (David Bishop is online) but your E-Sporting thirst has not been quenched. You decide to go to initiate a Bank Raid, but the orchestrator already has a crew looking for this! How will you proceed?
Additional Questions ;
Can you tolerate Sharksters voice on teamspeak? (I cannot).
How has Ronald done this? (refer to article 5.3) [Most important question in the application]

Does your internet also seem to always cut out when you are left on a red-screen after being one tapped by a demon Pistol Cop?