Your Steam/In-game Name: 2SPO0KY4U / Sam Coyle
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Code Monkey / Brandy martello
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:183447894
Why Should This Player Be Punished:3.26 or 3.18 3.4 if he stored the items.
Brandy martello was in the back of my bazzer shop with out me knowing that he was there then a woman came up to me wanting to buy an m4 but I dont have any m4s to spare so I said that I have a sig for sale for around $12,500 and she went off to get the money and I went into the back of my bazzer shop to get the sig, I get the sig out of my storage and Brandy martello say drop the weapon while pointing a gun at me.
I then proceed to drop my items;
He then ran off without tieing me up right next to storage where I could have just gotten out a gun and shot him while he was driving/running away (3.4) and if he had tried to store the goods(3.18) but then I heard a bomb and decided not to and just walk out a see what happened.
I then proceed to walk around the crime scene to see if it was my mugger and once I saw his body I then look for my sig but then I see no weapons so I step back from the crime sense and read occ
to read people reactions, then I see people saying "its my friends gun" and I say "if its a sig its mine" and then I say to the officer "I was mugged and if there is a sig its mine"
Then I can't remember what I said to the medic but it was something like "whats his name?"
When I hear put out that sig and I see the sig on fire and "I say that my sig" and John Cale says that's sams so not only was I saying that it was mine my friend John Cale was saying it as well.
I then go to pick up the gun and while the equipping bar is going up the officer says drop the weapon so when the gun is in passive stance I go to holster the weapon asap so I am not a threat to the officer so then I could drop the weapon but instead of me droping the weapon and giving it to him he decides it would be better for him to pump my body full of lead and take the gun of my cold dead body instead, so he shoots me and I die. (I later get a warning for this because of me picking the weapon that I said multiple times that it was mine and It got mugged from me so it was not involved in the car bombing.
I then get revived by a medic and start to look around then I am cuffed and the officer starts to drag me instead of asking me to follow him even though that I am the victim.
As he was dragging me to my car on the video/demo you can hear John Cale disgusted at the fact that I was shot and that the police are not doing anything about situation like questioning witnesses like what happened? and not doing there duty's as a police officer.
After John said what he said the police officer comes to his seances and says "right well we are going to investigate this" (And bearing in mind John is a supervisor in the police force and not just some angry sweater vest so I later got a statement about the situation from John( @CodezBlack ) and he said "As I was viewing the situation from a civilian's point of view I did not have much power in the situation but I feel that the officer did not perform his duties to an acceptable standard, He shot you without giving you a reasonable amount of time to drop the weapon, Although picking up the weapon may not have been the best idea the officer was seen to be quite ignorant and frustrating as not only did he not investigate the situation very well at all and was very ignorant when people were trying to communicate with him. With all this happening from a Senior Officer, it got me very annoyed as you may guess from the video. In future, I believe you should try to get the officers attention (no matter how hard it is) before touching evidence on a crime scene no matter who it belongs to." )
So the officer proceeds to put me in the back of his car then the officer goes off to talk to people.
So I sit patiently waiting in the car when I her someone say "No its not FUCK OFF its mine *giggles*" so I start to listen in to the conversation and I hear "can I have my gun back officer"
and this got a bit mad that someone was lying about ownership of the gun so I say that it is mine
then the guy comes up to the car and says "please shut the fuck up" and then "can you shut the fuck up please" over and over again and at this point I get very mad and say "fuck off" also "go kill yourself" (I am very sorry for what I said at this point I was just very mad that someone would try and do this right in front of my face, and believe no should take there own life)
The officer then comes back and hears the man doing this and says "step back form the vehicle" and the guy follow up with "you are gay".
The officer then decides to actually talk to me and says "so you are claiming the weapons are yours how come they are on fire" John then says "because he got car bombed, are ya dumb?"
So then I explain what happend and explain that the guy mugged me for the gun and was trying to get away.
He then reply's with "the guy who got blowed up in red"
I then explain what happened and that there trying to get the gun from me and that the sig is mine not the revolver.
Then he says "your just claiming ownership of the sig"
I reply with "yes"
He asks with "what kind of attachments does it have?"
I say "nothing but a stock and a full magazine" Which is true
And then he moves the car to a safer location not blocking the road and confirms with me what I have said and ask me more questions about the gun, and the car bombing which I answer truthfully.
He then goes away then come back and asks some questions about me getting mugged which I answer truthfully.
John asks what did he take from you I say sig desert eagle mags, book of law pistol ammo etc..
The officer goes and searches @Code Monkey and lies about what he has. 3.26
Evidence (Demo Required): or
Additional notes: I don't think I spelled his name right (Brandy martello)
And to the officer who give me this ticket when did I refuse to leave the area and when did I not comply. The only time I did not comply when you told me to drop the weapon which you gave me approximately 0.2 seconds to drop it before you fired your bullets into to me. I want the ticket removed and an apology from the officer.
Also I received a warning for picking up a gun if you skip to 3:50 on the youtube you can see other people trying to steal the gun while its still on fire burning them self while there is a cop next to them and the guy who actually waited for the gun to be put first and actually owns the gun gets a warning.... disappointed just disappointed.
Sorry for any bad grammar or spelling quite tired when I was writing this.
My timezone is GMT and I will not be replying to anything on this thread betwwen 22:00 and 11:00
People Involed: @balkan Elf
@Code Monkey
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Code Monkey / Brandy martello
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:183447894
Why Should This Player Be Punished:3.26 or 3.18 3.4 if he stored the items.
Brandy martello was in the back of my bazzer shop with out me knowing that he was there then a woman came up to me wanting to buy an m4 but I dont have any m4s to spare so I said that I have a sig for sale for around $12,500 and she went off to get the money and I went into the back of my bazzer shop to get the sig, I get the sig out of my storage and Brandy martello say drop the weapon while pointing a gun at me.
I then proceed to drop my items;
- 11 Desert Eagle magazines
- 5 Boxes of pistol ammo
- 5 bandages
- 1 phone
- 1 flashlight
- 1 book of law
- and some burgers.
He then ran off without tieing me up right next to storage where I could have just gotten out a gun and shot him while he was driving/running away (3.4) and if he had tried to store the goods(3.18) but then I heard a bomb and decided not to and just walk out a see what happened.
I then proceed to walk around the crime scene to see if it was my mugger and once I saw his body I then look for my sig but then I see no weapons so I step back from the crime sense and read occ
to read people reactions, then I see people saying "its my friends gun" and I say "if its a sig its mine" and then I say to the officer "I was mugged and if there is a sig its mine"
Then I can't remember what I said to the medic but it was something like "whats his name?"
When I hear put out that sig and I see the sig on fire and "I say that my sig" and John Cale says that's sams so not only was I saying that it was mine my friend John Cale was saying it as well.
I then go to pick up the gun and while the equipping bar is going up the officer says drop the weapon so when the gun is in passive stance I go to holster the weapon asap so I am not a threat to the officer so then I could drop the weapon but instead of me droping the weapon and giving it to him he decides it would be better for him to pump my body full of lead and take the gun of my cold dead body instead, so he shoots me and I die. (I later get a warning for this because of me picking the weapon that I said multiple times that it was mine and It got mugged from me so it was not involved in the car bombing.

I then get revived by a medic and start to look around then I am cuffed and the officer starts to drag me instead of asking me to follow him even though that I am the victim.
As he was dragging me to my car on the video/demo you can hear John Cale disgusted at the fact that I was shot and that the police are not doing anything about situation like questioning witnesses like what happened? and not doing there duty's as a police officer.
After John said what he said the police officer comes to his seances and says "right well we are going to investigate this" (And bearing in mind John is a supervisor in the police force and not just some angry sweater vest so I later got a statement about the situation from John( @CodezBlack ) and he said "As I was viewing the situation from a civilian's point of view I did not have much power in the situation but I feel that the officer did not perform his duties to an acceptable standard, He shot you without giving you a reasonable amount of time to drop the weapon, Although picking up the weapon may not have been the best idea the officer was seen to be quite ignorant and frustrating as not only did he not investigate the situation very well at all and was very ignorant when people were trying to communicate with him. With all this happening from a Senior Officer, it got me very annoyed as you may guess from the video. In future, I believe you should try to get the officers attention (no matter how hard it is) before touching evidence on a crime scene no matter who it belongs to." )
So the officer proceeds to put me in the back of his car then the officer goes off to talk to people.
So I sit patiently waiting in the car when I her someone say "No its not FUCK OFF its mine *giggles*" so I start to listen in to the conversation and I hear "can I have my gun back officer"
and this got a bit mad that someone was lying about ownership of the gun so I say that it is mine
then the guy comes up to the car and says "please shut the fuck up" and then "can you shut the fuck up please" over and over again and at this point I get very mad and say "fuck off" also "go kill yourself" (I am very sorry for what I said at this point I was just very mad that someone would try and do this right in front of my face, and believe no should take there own life)
The officer then comes back and hears the man doing this and says "step back form the vehicle" and the guy follow up with "you are gay".
The officer then decides to actually talk to me and says "so you are claiming the weapons are yours how come they are on fire" John then says "because he got car bombed, are ya dumb?"
So then I explain what happend and explain that the guy mugged me for the gun and was trying to get away.
He then reply's with "the guy who got blowed up in red"
I then explain what happened and that there trying to get the gun from me and that the sig is mine not the revolver.
Then he says "your just claiming ownership of the sig"
I reply with "yes"
He asks with "what kind of attachments does it have?"
I say "nothing but a stock and a full magazine" Which is true
And then he moves the car to a safer location not blocking the road and confirms with me what I have said and ask me more questions about the gun, and the car bombing which I answer truthfully.
He then goes away then come back and asks some questions about me getting mugged which I answer truthfully.
John asks what did he take from you I say sig desert eagle mags, book of law pistol ammo etc..
The officer goes and searches @Code Monkey and lies about what he has. 3.26

Evidence (Demo Required): or
Additional notes: I don't think I spelled his name right (Brandy martello)
And to the officer who give me this ticket when did I refuse to leave the area and when did I not comply. The only time I did not comply when you told me to drop the weapon which you gave me approximately 0.2 seconds to drop it before you fired your bullets into to me. I want the ticket removed and an apology from the officer.
Also I received a warning for picking up a gun if you skip to 3:50 on the youtube you can see other people trying to steal the gun while its still on fire burning them self while there is a cop next to them and the guy who actually waited for the gun to be put first and actually owns the gun gets a warning.... disappointed just disappointed.
Sorry for any bad grammar or spelling quite tired when I was writing this.
My timezone is GMT and I will not be replying to anything on this thread betwwen 22:00 and 11:00

@Code Monkey