Ban Apology (code monkey)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: code monkey
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Jack Peterson
Your Roleplay Name: Jack Peterson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:74363381

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - Mass RDM

Why should this appeal be considered?: Yeah.. It's me again I am attempting another appeal, cause obviously I really do wanna come back again. So.. Basically about I think it's 9 months now? 8-9 months ago, I decided to do something quite stupid, a few really stupid things actually, a few I wouldn't believe I'd do, but I still did.

The things I did was out of petty and childish anger that had gone out on other people in the community, I threatened McGlinchy for no reason to DDoS him, included being extremely toxic towards another member within the community, I don't remember exactly what I did indeed say to him to be honest, but what I can remember is it was extremely toxic and disrespectful, which I shouldn't've even in any way lead to do. I'm here to write another apology in which I wanna explain my actions and how I've learned from them.

So the first things I did the few days up incoming maybe the week actually up incoming before my ban, was being extremely disrespectful to a community member called Finlay(He chose another name, but I don't remember which it is, but Ik his previous used names was Finlay). I had a petty feud with Finlay due to me acting like a child, I kept constantly bringing it out of proportion and out of the range from where I even should've gone, which has been extremely stupid for me to do, even the day I massrdm'ed I said something to him maybe something about him killing himself or something along those lines, once again I do not remember everything really, but I believe it was something a long those lines which was unacceptable to do, which I've come to learn from that I should've not have done at all, I should've just ignored him.

After being in an absolute petty rivalry/fight with Finlay, I decided to go out and massrdm in the end. When I got revived and brought to an admin sit after massrdm'ing, my only explaination for the massrdm was "Because it's fun" this was obviously to be an annoying little prick to the staff member, I was mad, I was pissed and did something I always thought I wouldn't do. This was what I did with MassRDM, after I got 6 months ban for MassRDM, I got an extended ban for 1 year for being extremely toxic by McGlinchy. When I found out McGlinchy extended my ban, I got even more angry and decided to show him more of toxicity on Snapchat, I decided to threaten to DDoS him and call him out for being an asshole and such, which again could have been handled in a much much better way, than the way I actually did.

All these things lead up to me acting Petty and Childish, and I've come to learn and accept that, I know I've made a few apologies now, but I am truely sorry for the actions I've partaken in all this, and what kind of chaos I also caused for everyone within the community, the people I also decided to shoot in the massrdm, they hadn't even done anything I just decided they had to die for my own amusement, but I wasn't amused, I was pissed at myself for doing such actions I did, I would love to get another chance within the community if it will ever even be possible for me I'd love for that to happen and beg for it.

Please take this appeal into consideration cause I am truely sorry for everything I did, I can guarantee and swear I'd never DDoS any one, nor even threaten anyone. I have never DDoS'ed anybody before either, and I have no interest in even doing that either. My threats were empty threats I was dumb enough to pull off.

Thanks for taking your time to read this apology.

Additional Information: Demos: