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Hello, everyone, i'm here with a suggestion for the server (Captain obvious to the rescue)...


Topic: Transport, Bikes, Skateboards, and other small and affordable forms of transport

Short explanation (in notes):
-Have small and cheap "vehicles" that we own permanently
-Have them move slow but faster than walking
-Perhaps make them need effort to ride? Like for a bike or skateboard you have to keep on tapping W?

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I'm a poorer player, usually with less than $2000, so I find it difficult to navigate the map, something cheap and affordable would really help players like me learn the map and have more fun, I also feel there should be more variety than just cars.

Optional additions:
[DOUBLEPOST=1424396260,1424395867][/DOUBLEPOST]Fixed, template is on now
When it comes to the bike I will simly refere to this thread:

It has already been suggested and answered fairly well by the community. Remember to use the "Search" bar to check for previous threads before posting a new suggestion/idea.

When it comes to the skateboard I doubt there would be any good way of implementing this.
It would be difficult if not impossible to create a good animation for kicking the ground with one leg whilst standing on the board with the other.

Now lets say that it Was possible to make a good animation for it. Would it Really be needed? Think about it really. A skateboard/bicycle would not be possible to ride on the highway (because of obvious speed issues) and the distances that you have to travel on foot are always very short (The longest probably being between the City Hall and Parking Garage). And not to mention the monorail that for free will take you to any of the main hubs of the city.

I could probably mention a handful other reasons on why the skateboard/bicycle would not work. Police chases, portability, disabling a skateboard with a fleeing suspect on it etc.

Right I have been on a darkrp server that has made a freakin hoverboard and with the animation of the guy balancing himself with his arms out when they turn. If they can do that I don't see how a simple leg kick couldn't be. (on phone)

Edit: And the main issue when going to places is the stamina and how long it takes to recover because I have been trying to get to places quickly and I am unable to because I'm walking like an old granny.

Right I have been on a darkrp server that has made a freakin hoverboard and with the animation of the guy balancing himself with his arms out when they turn. If they can do that I don't see how a simple leg kick couldn't be. (on phone)

Edit: And the main issue when going to places is the stamina and how long it takes to recover because I have been trying to get to places quickly and I am unable to because I'm walking like an old granny.

This is the Workshop article that you are refering to

It might be possible to create such an animation as I said, but did you not read the other arguments I made after that one. There would be 30 people skateboarding around at the same time, people skating away from police faster than officers can sprint, people skating on the highway, would you be able to carry the skateboard with you anywhere and just whip it out anytime you need to move quickly? There is more to it than wheter an animation would be possible or not, which I still highly doubt would be.

By simply running you will level up Stamina, in the beginning you run out quickly yes. But when you reach around level 5-6 (8 is max) you will be able to run for quite long distances.

@DaNiElStUaRt The Mini Cooper costs 35k, 35k takes around 3 hours of policing to earn. Remember that you begin with 25k when you first join the server. Earning up to your first car really shouldnt take long if you decide to RP as a government employee for a couple of hours.
This is the Workshop article that you are refering to

It might be possible to create such an animation as I said, but did you not read the other arguments I made after that one. There would be 30 people skateboarding around at the same time, people skating away from police faster than officers can sprint, people skating on the highway, would you be able to carry the skateboard with you anywhere and just whip it out anytime you need to move quickly? There is more to it than wheter an animation would be possible or not, which I still highly doubt would be.

By simply running you will level up Stamina, in the beginning you run out quickly yes. But when you reach around level 5-6 (8 is max) you will be able to run for quite long distances.

@DaNiElStUaRt The Mini Cooper costs 25k, 25k takes around 2 hours of policing to earn. Earning up to your first car really shouldnt take long if you decide to RP as a government officer for a couple of hours.

Right I see your point about things about officers not being able to catch up with them etc. I think that argument is (kindly) invalid due to they can easily make it so it takes a while to equip like they normally do with alot of items with the loading bar.

But yet again you could just as easily do that in real life. Ive seen teenagers skating away on their skateboards because realistically it only takes a couple seconds to whip it out and get on it and skate away if you think about It. (on phone)

Still doesn't eliminate why this shouldn't be used. I think you should just let it be for now and if people complain about I there will probably be a poll and they get removed. If they do like it then it stays. Simples.

Yes but if you think about it running short distances can cause alot of stamina loss due to the poor people mostly being new to the server and this can probably cause all of grief and hassle and ragequitting for them. Like I Said. Let it be and if people don't like then there is going to be a poll.
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