Asking for prom

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Hi guys,

I'm about to ask someone that I've known for awhile for prom and I'm not really sure how to ask her to prom. If you got any good ideas or original ideas how you asked someone for prom or anything, post it below please :)
Be confident, go up and ask - pretty simple. If she says no, then so what? At-least you had the bollucks to do so.

EDIT: That's what I did, it worked quite well.
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Tell her this: Come with me to prom then come to my house. She will say yes.
Just look it up on the internet, you can find how to ask someone there.

Good Luck in asking them!
Just do literally as Zan said. Don't make it cheesy just go to her in person and say "Hey I was wondering if you'd like to go prom with me". The worst she can say is no. Make sure you look good when you ask them though ;)
Mhm, if you don't speak to her; make a small friendship by just speaking to her over facebook. Then imply you're looking for someone to go to prom with and then it will become obvious and you'll feel more confident.
Be shy and clueless. Triggers the mother instinct giving her no other chance but to say yes.

Biology bitch :booty:
If you want her to go to the prom, just say "Hey, do you want to go to the prom with me?". Never say please come to the prom, it'll make you sound desperate and lame.

sources: personal experience with your mum
Two words, gym membership. Seriously though don't be cheesy, confidence is key. Gotta remember worst that can happen is a no so there is nothing to lose and everything to gain, go for it.
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Step 1: Be gay
Then girls ask to go with you. Currently going with a group of 3 or 4, going to make a grand entrance with 2 on each arm.
See, the thing is. I'm happy I didn't have to go through this. Simple solution:

Be buff and they ask you :kappa:

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Good luck with the Lady Chappie :pompus:
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