SWAT random shooting in PD

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Logan finch

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Travis Obryant

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47173533

Why Should This Player Be Punished: As you can see in the video this swat is asking ooc questions like where you from as I said uk in-game its america I think but in this video is says everything as he says am seeing if my gun is loaded! I don't know if he is being for real but you guys watching this will give you all you need!

Evidence (Demo Required):
it was low pop, was testing out the guns, sorry if i made you upset i know this was wrong.

i only shot once at the wall to test out bullet patterns, not sure about the others as i was in the car waiting
it was low pop, was testing out the guns, sorry if i made you upset i know this was wrong.
in-game you said don't care go head do it am only checking my guns you did not do this by accident you said you want to see these skills not hold on checking if my guns reloaded
i admit to shooting the gun intentionally at the wall, there was only 7 people on, i was just testing it out.

i never remember breaking 3.24
[DOUBLEPOST=1449490689,1449490556][/DOUBLEPOST]i would appreciate it if you stop insulting me too in looc

[DOUBLEPOST=1449490724][/DOUBLEPOST]ive admitted to what ive done, id like a verdict from an admin if possible
In EvoCity it used to happend alot where SWATs were shooting on the wall to test the gun and going to MTL HQ to get a gun range set up, but again, this is no EvoCity, and this is not allowed.
Although do not fear a thing, I believe its not gonna be very long of a ban, just for you to learn your lesson.
Edit: He can get you banned for 1.1 in LOOC, not nice from you.
Im most likely sure @Summoner31st is new to this server.

So basically, he clearly broke the rules, he wasen't just testing the guns, he was really shooting everywhere and on everything for no reason at all. Whenever you join the server you agreed to that you have read and understood the rules, but clearly people doesn't care, they are most likely here just to troll or they just don't really know what to do.

So basically @Summoner31st if you wanna keep playing on this server, you will have to read and understand the rules to be able to Roleplaying correctly. Read the rules HERE the thing is, you will most likely recive a short ban, or a Week/Month blacklist, because of what you have done, NOT ME THAT DOES THIS but this is just what i think, but as i said @Summoner31st If you wanna be able to play on the server without getting banned etc, please be sure to read the rules so these things won't happen.

But yeah, this is a +Support from my side.

I will just have few question and a little comment about this action request.

Officer who recorded this were not patrolling and standing around the pd, right?

Why you just didnt warn him about to not do this in character and also over LOOC if needed?

I dont understand why did you take this situtation so far instead of warning him to not do and tell him that he's breaking rules which is not gonna be tolerated if he refuse to stop.

You wont earn medal by just putting an action request against someone.

User has been warned under 4.1 breaching firearms and will be spoken about the 3.24 + 1.1.​
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