AR Logan Finch

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Your Steam/In-game Name:Chopper
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Logan Finch/Logan Finch
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 and stalling roleplay. Failed to get into the back off his shop after i told him several times.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A

After reviewing evidence provided, I have come to the verdict, that i will be +supporting this appeal, for the following reasons.
3.4 - He risked dying, for no real reason besides not wanting to lose his shit, and clearly attempted to stall by blocking you in his doorway.

3.24- He constantly said on mic, you cant rob me here, clearly saying this because it was against the rules.

Regards Matt

sorry @Appricey
After reviewing this AR I have decided to
3.4 | He risked his characters life to save some cheap items in his inventory and then further attempted to block the muggers access into his store
3.6 | The player had no regard for the 50 calibre gun at his forehead
3.24 | User was constantly referencing rule 5.1
After reviewing the evidence the user has provided this is my opinion.

Rules Broken:

Rule 3.4: Putting your life at risk:
User failed to cooperate under gunpoint just to save a few items within his inventory.
3.4 Putting your Life at Risk - Players must at all times act realistically, meaning that any actions taken that may put a player’s In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment and/or general wellbeing at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion, for realistically good/beneficial reasons and in such a way that can be justified as reasonable.

Risks are deemed to be unreasonable when it can’t be appropriately and effectively justified; for example, if a player was to rob the bank and fail, leading to their death, that player would be expected to demonstrate to an administrator that they had a realistic and reasonable plan and/or mind-set to succeed.

This rule is specifically relevant to the violation of any In-Character law, meaning that murders, thefts, etc, are all expected to be conducted realistically; for example, if a player kills another player, which results in the former’s death and/or imprisonment, it will mean that the player has failed and unless they can effectively and appropriately demonstrate/prove that they had a realistic and reasonable plan to succeed, an appropriate punishment will be enacted.

A common example would be for a player to murder a Police Officer in order to avoid receiving a traffic ticket; this would likely result in the enactment of an administrative punishment because this specific example is deemed to be inappropriate - this is because the risk (death/life-imprisonment) involved with the murder of a Police Officer is grossly disproportionate to the benefit of avoiding a traffic ticket, typically.

Another common example would be for a player to violate traffic laws without a good/reasonable reason.

Rule 3.24: In and Out Of Character:
While in character the user was constantly saying "You can't rob me here" referring to rule 5.1 Mugging.

3.24 In and out of character - Don’t bring out of character situations in character, for example screaming "RDM"
when being shot at.

Rule 1.4: Causing problems:
The user was constantly causing problems by attempting to stall RP by talking about the rules instead of continuing the RP and making a report while utilizing the /report function.

1.4 Causing Problems - Generally, any attempts by an individual(s) to cause a problem(s) will not be tolerated.

Rule 3.6: Stay Alive:
Th user didn't seem to care for his life and didn't do everything in his power to stay alive which obviously lead to him being killed by the reporting user(s).

3.6 Stay Alive - Typically, players must, at all times, do everything in their power to prevent and/or avoid their own death.

Overall I will obviously support this Action request as there has clearly been rule breaking's I recommend that Mr.Finch goes and reads the rules which can be found here.
Accepted - As Logan has many warnings and bans (most for risking your life) and does not have the best record user will be issued a 3-month ban.
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