Stomper AR

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Alex_:D Tim Jimzon
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Stomper
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96447027
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Just watch the video, he is clearly not meant for a serious RP environment, he appears to be in his late teen years but acts like a fucking 5 year old, literally I would rather ban Stomper than the 5 year old Russian kid that demanded a free minicooper from me or he would kill himself. Just watch the video.
Evidence (Demo Required):

I agree the way I handled him punching me was over the top but it was non the less necessary, I could have called an admin but he simply would have got a warning and no real action, most of the admins are biased against Stomper as he used to be an Enforcer, me killing him was a good form of creative punishment, think of him like a cat or dog, kill him over and over and maybe he will learn punching people isn't a valid form of roleplay.

After this I got some lovely messages from him and his immature 'friend' regarding, oh wait I don't know what it's regarding.


This is the type of player that makes this community pure cancer, it's one of the main reason I no longer play. Not perma banning this player considering his record would be a big mistake.

Here are his other bans

User broke 3.4, 1.1 and 1.3 by gunpointing an officer because the officer was about to arrest his friend for punching him , Stomper also shot the speedenforcer afterwards because he tought he is going to pull out a gun. With 59 Days of playtime Stomper should know that the Speedenforcement is unarmed. Stomper proceeded to break the rules by disrespecting another User within the admin-sit. Stomper then proceeded to disconnect within the adminsit.

1.1 User was disrespectful multiple times in an admin sit.


Please also check his warnings, I'm sure it's full of the same type of shit.

I honestly don't understand why Bolli and the rest of the Senior team are adamant about building a US based server, 90% of all Americans I have ever spoken to on the internet are total cunts, look at Killslick, Stomper, Jonathan Curtis/Ezrider, Twitty they are all mindless fucks.

Right now, Russia > America in my books and I can't even understand the Russians.

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Atleast in the admin sit I wasnt pouting because things werent going my way, all I did was punch you once and you lost your shit by throwing me in the air not a way to handle things, but yea regardless of the outcome is I feel sorry for you because this is all you got.

Also your breaking 1.1 right now so how are you any better then me? EU admins allowing this!?!? biased!?!? Good luck with your AR.
From watching that video, you abused your physgun... You cannot justify your actions in this video and your breakage of 1.1
Just, both of you, apologize.
Honestly after Alex explained the whole situation to me yesterday it looked really fucking shady, however looking into the video we can clearly see @Stomper disrespecting Alex by saying;
Boy you sound like a fucking faggot with your fucking crooker teeth fucking...
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Reason for me punching him was due to him slandering us saying we were scaming him, I only punched him once wasnt going do anything but anyway for the 1.1 I apologies, I wouldnt be as pissed off or over reacted if he wouldev handled it in a different way.
You've got my full support for this one.

Stomper, the way you were acting to this situation was unbelievable. I get what Alex did might have been a bit excessive, but to be quite honest we're all tired of your shit. Also the way your telling him to be a man also known as being mature in that situation is honestly the most idiotic thing you could have done in that situation. Do you consider yourself more of a man by throwing racial slurs and disrespectful comments at him? You're only making it worse for both parties to be honest.

Oh yeah, sports don't make you rich, unless you're a pro, but let's be honest you aren't a pro athlete are you now. Your chances are low, so quit your little childhood dream and become a "man".

Football for Men: 1,121,744 boys play high school football in the US
1 in 40 high school players will play in college

1 in 1,010 high school players will be drafted to the NFL

1 in 325 college players will be drafted in the NFL
Basketball For Men: 535,569 boys play high school basketball in the US
1 in 17 high school players will play in college

1 in 8,926 high school players will be drafted to the NBA

1 in 525 college players will be drafted in the NBA

And yeah, if you want to bash me for not having a job, I made about 352 000NOK (before tax) the last 6 months which is about 50 000$ US Dollars I think. So if you wanted to bash me for it then say goodbye.

EDIT: I really don't like talking about money, but when you bring out that "I have sports" no, then I just snap, sports is a waste of time if you're in it only to become pro. Sure, it's great fun and all, but only doing it to become pro makes me sick, sorry.
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I do believe that he had no intention to roleplay at all and was being disruptive during the admin sit however I have to agree that you were abusing your physgun and you could have resolved the situation another way. I have no opinion on americans vs EU I have played and even adminstrated on a american server for about 2 years. If they are willing to wake up early they deserve a little respect but I see your point with ezrider and Arnold their attitude is stupid.

Do not blame a country for a few people missing brain cells hell in the UK the county I live in we can be known as Norfolk B******S. I will stay neutral here and request a member of staff to watch this carefully as the racist card could be pulled out of the hat.
Punchwhore confirmed, now alex why the hell dont you go back to darkrp and proppush there? ... To be honest stomper, you should really make a ban request and complaint against him. Also, i believe alex should be banned/warned for leaving admin sit and rdming in admin sit.

Alex decided to throw off stomper and killing him due to alex not being bothered to be in an admin sit. Normal members of the community would of been banned for a long time if not permanent for this.

"Killing a man in admin sit cause he couldn't be bothered to do the admin sit, clearly not here to roleplay"

Alex_:D also disconnected in the admin sit.
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Okay a couple of things on this one. So Alex is a "Expert Member", meaning he isn't mod or above. Yes he may have been ex-mod, but hes not staff now, so how come he can use is Physics gun, that sounds a bit biased to me but oh well.

Second thing is, all he did was punch you, yes he didn't have no reason, but all he did WAS PUNCH YOU, it doesn't give you the right to kill him. Especially using your physics gun, breaking the rules yourself here. And why call him autistic hey, think your some sort of god do you. Well Alex your not mate, and your saying he acts like 5, well your calling people autistic that you never met, so fuck knows what age that makes you. Grow up, have respect for people, and stop calling everyone autistic.
Listen, you're clearly upset.

I understand that you're having one of your casual hissyfits and you're trying to get the PH community riled up over some IC filled hated. "Oh the community doesn't need people like that" are you scapegoating me berating you, in character not to mention ,for a perma ban reason? You're also bringing in other bans to justify the fact that you're upset. Also, you were clearly mad in the admin situation when @GraveDinosaur dealt with the situation, you screamed at the top of your lungs like a british (since you want to bring nationality into this like a bigoted fool) impudent child and disconnected when you couldn't get your way. Now you're making an Action Request to get your way and claiming my existence on the server is the reason why you don't play. You're going to get everyone else rallied up over a one sided story, I guess that's just how you are right? You always have to have your way now don't you? This is the real world, mommy and daddy aren't going to hold your hand and guide you the whole way through it and the staff on PH certainly won't just because you simply couldn't and didn't have your way.

If you're calling me "literal cancer" for just berating you IC and claiming that im the reason why you don't play then you need to abide by your own words (or something along the lines of) "If you can't handle insults on an online gaming community then you should sell your computer". But oh wait, you're a hypocrite, I understand abiding by your own words is quite hard for you since you constantly go on angry tangents each and everyday.
Jesus Christ, like I said
Listen, you're clearly upset.

Also, you were clearly mad in the admin situation when @GraveDinosaur dealt with the situation, you screamed at the top of your lungs like a british (since you want to bring nationality into this like a bigoted fool) impudent child and disconnected when you couldn't get your way.

I couldn't care who deals with the situation because I full well know 90% of the admins couldn't do a decent job in the first place. I didn't scream at the top of my lungs, I never scream down the microphone, I simply move it closer to force my voice to be heard. I didn't disconnect because I didn't get my way, I disconnected because I have dealt with so many fuck wits like you in my time as Senior Admin I physically cannot take anymore retardation without becoming instantly pissed off, that Is one of my reasons for resigning. You should rethink your life because right now you are borderline .........
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"I disconeccted because I have dealt with so many fuck wits like you in my time as Senior Admin I physically cannot take anymore retardation without becoming instantly pissed off"
Woah buddy, you definitely have some anger issues going on there. Like I clearly said, if you can't simply handle having your way then you seriously need some help. I suggest looking at one of your own resources: .Being mentally instable is a mental illness and it can lead to some nasty problems. I'm sorry that you were raised with always having your way and now you've finally grown into a young man who's values and morals are completely skewed. I mean look at you, you're saying I have downsyndrome for simply stating a fact. Quite pathetic to resort to such immature and overused insults but then again that's sadly just your character Ex-Senior Administrator @Alex_:D
Honestly, this entire thread is pathetic. Seeing two members of the community constantly fighting over needless and silly things is disappointing. From now on, any comments made on this thread that relate to what someone has posted, will just be removed. Let's leave this to just be dealt with, shall we?

The user will be banned an extra month for them breaking 2.1 and 1.1. As they punched you for no reason and then were disrespectful in the admin situation​
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