Recent content by AlienXeno

  1. AlienXeno

    Im back.

    So im gonna be playing a bit on the perpheads servers sometimes and i know that i left on a bad note considering my incident, please you dont have to remind me about it. Im just here to play and have fun. So please try not to criticize me ingame because of what happened. Thanks im looking...
  2. AlienXeno

    [ENFORCER] Reiss Howards Application going one step furhter.

    -Support. 1. When you someone breaks a rule u scream and cuss at them instead of correcting them. 2. i think ur rushing to get enforcer.
  3. AlienXeno


    +Support adding motorbikes would be awesome.
  4. AlienXeno

    Hey im Afonso003!

    Sorry, haven't seen you often, but maybe that's because we have different time zones. Lol
  5. AlienXeno

    Sider's Enforcer Attempt

    I always see you online and you know the rules, but I would like to see you post on the forums more and be on teamspeak. P.S. This is Tyrone izabiggumz :D
  6. AlienXeno

    C2W introduction

    Oh! Its your birthday? Well then Happy Birthday!
  7. AlienXeno

    Teamspeak, join it.

    Yea i agree. It feels empty sometimes.
  8. AlienXeno

    FBI job

    They should have the option to disguise yourself as a different player model
  9. AlienXeno

    FBI job

    This would be awesome, and they should also be able to change ur character model to make yourself look like a different job model and go undercover. +Support
  10. AlienXeno

    [Helper] ind - Tyrel Pipsi

    Ive only saw you once.
  11. AlienXeno

    Tim Jimzon Helper App

    -Support, you were harrassing namesinsane on everything he posted on the forums.
  12. AlienXeno

    [Helper] Swiper The Fox - Steven Arnott

    This post isn't about namesinsane, this is about swiper's helper app.
  13. AlienXeno

    Ban Request on StrangyNekoSan and Kiyoko

    Wow I can't believe someone would say it's a joke...tht just ruins roleplay if you take out ur guns then put them away and say its a joke.
  14. AlienXeno

    [Helper] Swiper The Fox - Steven Arnott

    You know the rules and you would make a great helper. +Support
  15. AlienXeno

    Forum Reputation

    yea ur right, it would probably start fights. Thanks for the feedback stephen.