Recent content by nako5

  1. nako5

    Help: Game crashes when loading server.

    If you put PROTON_LOG=1 %command% as your launch arguments, steam will make a log file in your home directory, which may be useful You may also find useful on the 64-bit branch
  2. nako5

    Goodbye / giveaway

    In respective order @JRW @Spoon @IKEA monkey @SomeUser456 Please lmk when you are ready as JRW seems allergic to reading adverts and nobody else is on the server rn
  3. nako5

    Goodbye / giveaway

    Thank you for the kind words, I'll draw the winners today in around 6-7 hours, good luck everyone and all the best
  4. nako5

    Goodbye / giveaway

    Trust me, I care much more about the friends and memories I can keep even when I'm not playing, than some virtual items. Even when I was playing, it just sits in my bank, Id rather someone else get some use from it. If I ever come back to perp I'll still have enough left to enjoy the game and...
  5. nako5

    Goodbye / giveaway

    I resigned lol @someuser
  6. nako5

    Goodbye / giveaway

    For a multitude of reasons, I have no more interest in playing PERP. I'm grateful for all the good times this community has given me. I have around 4 mil cash, a 2020 doll, 2022 doll and 2023 doll to give away, which will each be raffled separately. Drop your name in this thread, everyone can...
  7. nako5

    Action Request (6tens)

    Hello mate firstly as the car was in motion most of the time, I would not have to get out, also when it was briefly stopped and your friend advanced towards me, once he got close enough, realistically I would not have had time to exit by the time it starts moving again, I am not in control of...
  8. nako5

    Action Request (6tens)

    @Goonsberg this is true, I mentioned this in the report, that's why it's perfectly valid to shoot the car, it's the event that happened after which I am challenging.
  9. nako5

    Action Request (6tens)

    We were standing outside your apartment, this is before you were bombed by @roos. He admitted to you on voice chat, while the timer was on, that it was himself who bombed you. The bombing only happened after you gunpointed us out of the entire slums, to which we complied with. Then the bomb was...
  10. nako5

    Action Request (6tens)

    Your Steam Name: Nakos Your Roleplay Name: cole Havrilla Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:441749457 Player's Steam Name: 6tens Player's Roleplay Name: Robbie Vlasman Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:637625139 Why should this player be punished?: This action request is in relation to an in-game...
  11. nako5

    Laptop for Perp

    Anti-aliasing, magic line smoothing thingy
  12. nako5

    Nintendo Switch Modding

    I know theres a lot of guides out there and I can't recommend one because I haven't kept up to date with the homebrew scene, what I can say is when setting up CFW for the unpatched old switches (where you just need to stick an RCM jig in the controller slot), the standard practice is to use an...
  13. nako5

    Cereal or milk first?

    When you're making Pilk do you put pepsi first or milk?
  14. nako5

    Hi guys!

    mate hes lying he doesnt respond to half my discord messages
  15. nako5

    Bug Report (Incomplete Regal Apartments prop clear)

    This is expected behaviour, planters with drugs growing in them will not despawn when you leave the server, this is so if people raid you and take the planters they won't lose it due to you rage quitting. And FYI, prop despawning is not linked to properties, only to the player who spawned them...