Recent content by Shaniqua

  1. Shaniqua

    Bakassi bloodpact

    First & Last Name: Shaniqua Dokubo Cars owned: Range Rover. Phone number: 595-4409 Strenghts & weaknesses: Strenghts: Shooting,base defence etc. Weaknesses: Crafting. Total amount of money: 1.5 mil Able to be independant?: Yes Willing to change to the official organization outfit?(17,5k outfit +...
  2. Shaniqua

    Weed Whackers Applications

    OOC Steam name: idk Age: 16 Time played on server: 1 month, 18 days (from 2013) IC Name: Tyrone Wood Phone number: 595-4409 Have you been recommended this org by anyone? If so, who?: Nope. Transportation: Range Rover Cash: 1.5 million. Firearms: 30 Rifle marksmanship: 55 Arsenal of "tools"...
  3. Shaniqua

    ful bebis

    ful bebis
  4. Shaniqua

    Wah Ching Applications

    OOC Steam name: Woah Steam link: Age: 16 IC Name: Tyrone Wood Firearms: 19 (will level up this asap) Rifle marksmanship: 40 Cars: Range Rover, Mini Cooper. Cash: 1.5 Mil Why would you like to join us?: I would like to join this organization...
  5. Shaniqua

    What Background do you use?

  6. Shaniqua

    Paralake Attorney Office

  7. Shaniqua

    AR on Aaron Martin

    Your Steam/In-game Name: HeyDude, Caitlyn Texas His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Panda, Aaron Martin (I'm pretty sure it's) His/Her SteamID: N/A Why Should This Player Be Punished: So i got a call on the radio about a taxi driver driving recklessly going towards the garage so i responded to the...
  8. Shaniqua

    Paralake Attorney Office

    Paralake Attorney Office Do you often get into trouble?, have you always fantasized about getting experienced lawyers? Well Paralake Attorney Office is the right Attorney Office for you. We're two experienced lawyers that has been working in the law industry for a long time. You can recognize...
  9. Shaniqua

    Caitlyn's Attorney Office

    Please remove this kek
  10. Shaniqua

    Caitlyn's Attorney Office

  11. Shaniqua

    Selling my social club account with GTA V

    0,05 Euro that's okay atleast? :kappa:
  12. Shaniqua

    Rainbow Six Fav operators

  13. Shaniqua

    Rate this keyboard

    I would really not spend that much money on Razer. I'll go and buy this soon as i've been stuck with my Razer Black Widow for a long time now. And i've heard if you're into Chroma lighting (as i'm) you can download others artwork they've done on the Chroma lighting.
  14. Shaniqua

    Yet another giveaway (Tomb Raider) I've never played any of the Tomb series, would be fun to play it! :)
  15. Shaniqua

