Recent content by Snafu

  1. Snafu

    That makes me happy

    That makes me happy
  2. Snafu

    How to fill in your action reports, ban appeals, warning disputes, and refund requests

    Alright, more than three years have passed and the reports are still lacking many details. Providing a comprehensive demo seems to be a too big of a task for some. Therefore, let me give you a 'quick' guide through this procedure in order to make everyone's job easier. Your Steam/In-game Name...
  3. Snafu

    Refund request for BMW M3 and a full M9

    Your in-game name: Harry Spliffsta Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:16627690 What do you need refunded: BMW M3 repair cost and a full M9 pistol Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was crashed into by a rule breaker because of who I died. I reported him and the action request was accepted. Evidence...
  4. Snafu


    Apart from me being a complete cock of a person that night, I did appreciate the observed roleplay. If you were on the team operating me after I was caught I apologize to you, just like I'd like to apologize to Robert Crane, Jeffrey Geeza, and I believe another person (I've already apologized to...
  5. Snafu

    What grinds your gears?

    Life: Fake people who use a friendship to their advantage, or people who stop caring about a friendship and you're the one who always writes or arranges a meetup. By that I don't mean people that don't want to meet with you, but people who enjoy greatly when you meet up together but never think...
  6. Snafu

    Knife giveaway! - M9 Bayonet Marble Fade

    Because circa ~2012 me and my mates had quite a thing going on in the good old rp_evocity_v33x. :cat: Raiding those made you feel quite accomplished.
  7. Snafu

    Action request on 6AMooRY999

    Yes, I do. While I tried to understand his point of view and direct him to tell me what I did wrong, I haven't received any sort of valuable information to understand why he crashed into me. Since I was on the road for the last 10 minutes or so, I was shocked to hear I had taken someone as a...
  8. Snafu

    Action request on 6AMooRY999

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Snafu / Harry Spliffsta His/Her Steam/In-game Name: 6AMooRY999 / John Jacher (something like that) His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:73538018 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Most probably 3.4, and his general attitude, I do not want people like that to be roleplaying as...
  9. Snafu

    Recommendation for Collier

    Great addition to the community and a good pal to have in town. Doesn't matter if he gets raided and loses, there's none of that bitch-cry of an OOC rant or reporting going on. Just moves on and accepts the fact that things like that happen on PERP. Not only that, he enjoys his time on the...
  10. Snafu
  11. Snafu

    Action Request - Venomine/Snafu By Ljungberg

    Disappointment, that's what my first thought was when reading the opening post. The passive aggressive text in the video perfectly reflects your inner rage towards players who roleplayed the situation for good ~45 minutes prior to the event. The reason is not 'retarded'. On top of that I'd...
  12. Snafu

    gg, have had it since 2013

    gg, have had it since 2013
  13. Snafu

    Tyrone Taurus RR

    To be honest it looks like the same type of glitch like in slums, clipping with your face through the wall for a second. I've reported this matter once or twice, but there doesn't seem to be a solution right now. It is indeed weird how accurate his shots are. Eddie, were you using voice chat at...
  14. Snafu

    ✮Traveling Vice Lords✮

    Good luck with the future fights on the server to all the TVL. However, I've decided to start my own path and concluded that a change is required for me. Thanks for the fun times, lads.
  15. Snafu

    Addition of line and paragraph spacing?

    Would it be possible to add a line and paragraph spacing option when reading someone's post? I myself, find it hard to read at times if it's for example a lengthy organization description. I know this isn't something that's in absolute demand, but it would make a nice change. Of course, I can...