✮Traveling Vice Lords✮

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In 1958, the Vice Lords gang was founded by several African American youths originally from the North Lawndale neighborhood of Chicago. These youths met while incarcerated in the Illinois State Training School for Boys in St. Charles (also known as the St. Charles Juvenile Correctional Facility). At the time, they were led by founding member Edward "Pepalo" Perry. The name "Vice" was chosen when a gang founder looked up the term in the dictionary and found the meaning as "having a tight hold".

As the original Vice Lords group were released from incarceration, they quickly began to recruit other youths from their neighborhood and began engaging in conflicts with other "clubs" from various Chicago neighborhoods. By 1964, they had grown significantly and law enforcement named them as a primary target for their various illegal activities. By the time some members split up to Memphis (Tennessee). The "Travelling Vice Lords" are also known for taking in their territory with violence, as they are called "Travelling" they split up in groups and recruit other African Americans in nearby areas. Some "Vice Lords" split up and got over to Paralake City, they'll try their luck over there. The "Traveling Vice Lords" are a part of the Almighty Vice Lord Nation (AVLN).

Vice Lord street gangs use a variety of gang graffiti symbols or emblems, to identify themselves and their gang 'turf' including:

  • A hat cocked to the left side.(Left represents the People Nation alliance and cocking to the right represents the Folk Nation alliance)
  • Rabbit wearing a bow tie
  • Martini glass
  • The letters "VL"
  • Top hat and cane
  • Five-point star - The five points represent (clockwise from top): Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice.
  • Crescent moon
  • Pyramid
  • Five point crown
  • 55 stands for "Keep it real" or "Everything cool"
  • Most of the members are black and Muslims


The 'Burbs

♕Supreme Chief-King of Kings♕
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Prince of the Nation
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

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☆ ☆


Pee Wee
  1. You are a member of the Vice Lord Nation, show it and represent our colors. (Black,White,Red and Gold)
  2. Snitches get stitches, don't talk to anyone about our business.
  3. Everyone within the Nation of Peoples will not be involved in any homosexual act or tries, mentally or physically, no exceptions.
  4. You are a family, you don't start trouble with a man that could save your life one day.
  5. You shall pay 2000$ weekly to the Organisation Bank Account.
  6. Everyone within the Nation of Peoples can and will be violated if anyone of the Nation of Peoples are not following in a key.
✮4 Corna Hustlas✮

✡Gangster Disciples✡

Pelle Family
Groove OG's



Rank:♕Supreme Chief-King of Kings♕
Known as: Lil Jones
Status: Alive
Race: African-American
Height: 6'0

Rank:♕Supreme Chief-King of Kings♕
Known as: Gunna
Status: Alive
Race: African American
Height: 5'11

Rank: Chief ☆☆☆
Known as: Mike White
Status: Deceased
Race: African American
Height: 5'09
Rank: Chief ☆☆☆
Known as: Mad Dog
Status: Unknown
Race: African American
Height: 5'10

From now on, only Lieutenants or higher ranks are able to be
seen at the "High-rank Member-list".​

Applications can be found here:
To apply, simply find us in-game, you know where we at.
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I like the organisation page and how it is organised, good luck!
Looks creative ;)
[OOC: Im gonna be inactive since my GPU got rekt, atleast 1-2 weeks]

[IC: Mike is away from city for a special assignment and a mission given by Lil' Jones.]

UPDATE: [IC] Mike is back to the Paralake City and his hood.
[OOC] I got it fixed.
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Tim Garret declares war against you, because you're against gays. Tim Garret is a bit bi-curious so he can't accept this.

Get molotoved, shitheads.

#Vice Lords - 'White Mike'#

We dont take any responsibility of the Terrorism recently happened at the Regals Apartment as Vice Lords, we DONT have any relations between these terrorists.

We did not cause the terrorism or harm at the Regals Apartments in that date.



'White Mike' - The Chief
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Oh damn, the Paralake City Neighbourhood Watch will be all over these guys.
But seriously, I think this org is great. Going into the Suburbs and seeing a bunch of people on the streets outside of their houses playing rap music really makes this a lot more immersive, which this server really needs.
Good job 4 Corna Hustlas/Vice Lords. These orgs are some of the best I've seen, and improve the server a lot.

We declare war on this organization due to one of your members provoking us. Good luck, as we grew in numbers recently.
Happy early ramadan, you haram infidels! Only way out of this war is by surrendering or dying, which you will soon. We have the force on our side thanks to

-Witch doctor Fatima
☆☆War Information☆☆
☆The Awareness☆
Since some retarded fake muslims declared a war on us, i would like to say you boys and girls have to carry sidearms in any circumstances and keep your autos on your car's trunks or right next to you on passenger seat.

BE AWARE, this terrorists are dangerous by way of invading alone and master at the explosives.

Keep your panic buttons on you that is connected to our Awareness and Communication system.

If we stay aware, they cant stay alive.

-'White Mike' - The Chief

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    We're at war with with Pelle familia. Goodluck, cuz u gonna need it.
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☆Nation Notification☆

-We are now in war with the "Groove OG's", every member of the Nation will now be need to be armed
-"Crazy Frankie" left the city, may Allah guide him
-Carlos Rios will be released soon, welcome back brother
-We got 3 new "Pee Wee's" welcome Vice Lords
-Official "Tooter Account" @ViceLords @JonesBrown
-"Nation Law 5" will now be only going to count for "High Rank" members.
-Rest in Peace White Mike ☾
☆Vice Lord 5 Point Star
1. Love
2. Truth
3. Peace
4. Freedom
5. Justice​
♕Keep it real Vice Lords♕
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Good luck with the future fights on the server to all the TVL. However, I've decided to start my own path and concluded that a change is required for me. Thanks for the fun times, lads.
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You want to go to war ehh? Well then motherfucker prepare to get humiliated infront of the whole city. There is no second chance, unless you come crawling and kiss our feet. We will break ya'll niggas into pieces, remember that! (IC ofc)
War declared!
[IC] I got shot by some white fool and I got a lot of internal bleeding, I won't be back on my feet for about a week to a month, the shitty doctors aren't sure...

Vice lords 4 life! Cya'll!

Parents got pissed and took my PC, won't be back for like a week or maybe even a months...

      We're at war with with MOB. They be thinking that trying to send us to jail was smart.
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