Ban Dispute (bnjeman)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @bnjeman
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: OMW2FYB
Your Roleplay Name: Yazmat Akbari
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:616169646

Why were you punished?: ''Mugged'' someone and tried ziptying them at the Bank Parking Lot to stop someone from harassing him.

Why should this appeal be considered?: so i was driving around the office area doing my own thing, until this random guy in a black car started crashing into me for NO apparent reason, i tried just driving away, he started chasing me and continuing to crash into me, i parked at the parking spot by the bank, He got out of his car and just started punching, at this point i didnt understand wtf he wanted, even if i drove away he would still follow me and continue to harass me for NO REASON AT ALL. so since he wouldnt stop i got out of my car and put him at gunpoint and my intension was to ziptie him and leave so he couldnt follow me anymore. And he didnt say a word in Vc nor did he type anything, i told him to put his hands up so i could tie him multiple times, but he just kept refusing the zipties, so that is what made me think i was allowed to shoot him since he didnt listen. I DID NOT try to mug him at all, all i wanted to do was make him stop harassing me, But the admin said that since i took the knife he dropped when he died that i have to get banned for it because that makes it a mugging, but i myself dont understand how that goes under mugging him when i literally didnt even want to mug him. i have a clip of the situation but my clips are short so i doesnt show the start when he started to harass me but u can see what i did.
and the warning i got for mugging in public places was for mugging in the stairs at regal apartments, but i disagree with that warning because first of all it didnt say i couldnt mug people on stairs on the mugging map, and second of all i didnt intentionaly rob him at stairs, i was going to raid his apartment when he suddenly jumped out the door .

Additional Information: this is honestly an unfair and unnecessary ban, and BTW the guy doing all this bullshit to me + breaking gunpoint rules was not punished in any way... wtf?

In order to be able to review this dispute we would like to see the situation taking place in its entirety. Please provide us with the following demo 'perpheads_demo_2024-4-13 03-47-09'. For help on how to locate and upload your demos visit this guide:


After reviewing this dispute we concluded that both 3.4 and 5.1 would not apply during this situation. The player had lightly pushed your vehicle two times as well as punching it a handful of times. The attempt to run the player over and zip-tie him at gunpoint was unproportionate taking into account what had taken place prior.

Your ban for 3.4 and 5.1 will be replaced with a warning for 2.5

Reviewed with @3izu & @A1L