Suggestion Title: Bank raiders have duffle bags on them
Suggestion Description: This would add a visible duffle bag on a bank raider's back if they take the money from the vault.
Why should this be added?:
- Easier for police to identify suspects.
- Realistic since normally you can't carry 500,000 dollars in your pocket.
What negatives could this have?:
- Dev's time and resources being wasted.
- People not being happy since it makes it harder to hide from police.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: Bank raids not being really realistic.
Suggestion Description: This would add a visible duffle bag on a bank raider's back if they take the money from the vault.
Why should this be added?:
- Easier for police to identify suspects.
- Realistic since normally you can't carry 500,000 dollars in your pocket.
What negatives could this have?:
- Dev's time and resources being wasted.
- People not being happy since it makes it harder to hide from police.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: Bank raids not being really realistic.
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