Bank Robbing Suggestion

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United Kingdom
Topic: Bank Robbery

Short explanation (in notes):
- Players can wear different clothes
- Ability to wear bag on back

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I think it should be added because when robbing the bank it would be cool that when you are getting money your bag could start showing money out of the top. Makes it an easier way to show realisim in a bank robbery

Optional additions:
- I know ski masks/masks have been suggested before but im not suggesting this for the masks its for the bags and clothing.
- You can purchase bags etc from the clothes store
I think that this would be a good thing but i think that the developers will move this to: Too excessive because they wouldn't
be bothered doing it because its too much work doing that much of a work but it would definetly make a difference if this is applied so the police can know who is actually robbing the bank.
Just as a quick comment about this, while all and good to want to improve the bank robbery which I'd like to do at some point because of how flawed it is, I have one major issue with this idea specifically. And @Yoddo it has nothing with the amount of work.

Where are females?

Practically all things that claim to be roleplay models lack female models. Which admittedly the SWAT model we use is fairly obvious it's male only, but the excuse there is, they're so heavily covered you can hardly tell. While with this, it's very evident they didn't take females into consideration at all. Which is quite a large problem and just makes it seem like a DarkRP server with adding something just because "it's cool" but breaks the immersion. This is not to mention the models themselves are vastly different than our own so you would pick them out with far too much ease, as people always go on about undercover cops, they then would want more discreet bank robberies. So honestly I'm not sure this is something that would ever work because of those problems but I'm listening if you have any solutions.
I think people forget, were not willing to just install some workshop addons. The whole development of the server has been a learning curve and most of the things you see on the server have been handcrafted by Stephen, Fredy and XQuality.

As for bags however, would you have to craft them?
You also have to think about the body groups. Last time I remembered there's no bodygroup for the back? So each playermodel would have to be edited else it would look naff
I hope this would be okay to make I mean is there a way to put the bags/suit on a female character model?
"@Hayden I hope this would be okay to make I mean is there a way to put the bags/suit on a female character model?"

"StephenPuffs Obviously we could do other ways than bodygroups, but even still, it'd require a ton of work to have it bend and flex with the character properly. Which for any of us to do would take an impossibly long time, and why I keep saying it'd be nice if we had a devoted modeler on the team sometimes."
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This idea seems to much of a hastle and like MattIsMadForCod said, most of the server is relying on custom content.
I have no idea why but this suggestion came to my head while i read this suggestion, Instead of using it for bank and bank bags thats just too exclusive, So instead add body bags so you can hide well, Cops, Criminals you killed. And yes it should make you slower if your carrying a person in your back, Now about instead of putting it on your back, Then make you walk slower and have a other walking animation, I mean like its an idea to the bag consecpt.

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