Search results

  1. Dank

    Ban Dispute (Muffin)

    As you seem to like to have the situation broken down factually I shall do my best to provide. As you will obviously be aware, the intent of action decides if you disconnect or reconnect. Ofcourse we can see you disconnected first, but the intention remains to join back, hence making it...
  2. Dank

    Ban Dispute (Muffin)

    You misinterpreted the rules, let me Eleborate. You disconnected from the server with intention of reconnection to save yourself respawn time and avoid having to follow NLR and save yourself on respawn time. This could be considered as exploiting. So objectively 3.20 might not be the...
  3. Dank

    Cheater Or Naw

    You sure?
  4. Dank

    Cheater Or Naw

  5. Dank

    Steam bug

    Have you tried turning it on and off again? Might seem like a troll answer but try closing steam through your Task Manager. That might fix it
  6. Dank

    Police Suggestion Allow Light TFU to fast walk (not sprint) longer.

    This would revert the change of lowering their speed as it would allow you to outrun the criminals anyways. That is not what we want
  7. Dank

    How do I do this equation?

    haven't done this since college so rougly 8 years but let me give it a shot: 2x^2 * x + 3x * x + 5 * x = 2x^3 + 3x^2 + 5x 3x^2 * x + x * x + 3 * x = 3x^3 + x^2 + 3x The coefficient of x is the sum of the coefficients of these terms, which is 5 + 3 = 8, and 3 = 11, respectively. Adding them...
  8. Dank

    Bug Report (Org storage)

    This has been a feature for years. It is because your org has over 70 members
  9. Dank

    Look into this to enable configuring gov radio volume

    Can we edit this to something that is offensive
  10. Dank

    Look into this to enable configuring gov radio volume

    accidently unbanned tinky, reverting
  11. Dank

    Look into this to enable configuring gov radio volume

    I have just checked the radio code, It seems possible but I might be wrong, I will test tonight if this is implementable
  12. Dank

    Refund Request (sasuke0115)

  13. Dank

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Could you explain why you handed your friend an account on which he could ban evade? You mention you knew he was banned so by doing so you actively helped him
  14. Dank

    Server Suggestion Reduce XP loss to Police Officers

    Both Experience and Orgscore will not go down if killed by police
  15. Dank

    Server Suggestion Reduce XP loss to Police Officers

    I need to refer to the experience concern you have, this is the XP you would need before, in the old system however it would calculate from the previous to the next level how much xp is needed, due to the refactor it now shows XP from level 0 to the next level, your XP does also not go back to 0...
  16. Dank

    Server Suggestion Reduce XP loss to Police Officers

    just to confirm the Score and Experience of organisations are seperate. So the leaderboard score and experience are not coralated yet both are refered on this suggestion, which one is it?
  17. Dank

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    Have you even read the update log aloo?
  18. Dank

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    There is no XP nerf, we only changed it so your XP does not reset when you level up so it looks worse then it is
  19. Dank

    Should police be able to make CPR

    Update log 29 april - added police rph
  20. Dank

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    Not everything is instantly live you spoon
  21. Dank

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    This has been fixed dont worry
  22. Dank

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    Rebalancing and Bugs Fixed After feedback from users the following changes and bug fixes were made: - Experience Overview fixed XP to next level and Experience Bar - Rank Overview is now sorted by Hierarchy - Drug Yield changes have been made less significant - Ally limit raised - Fixed a...
  23. Dank

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    That is likely because you allied half the server
  24. Dank

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    We’re filtering out all bugs right now, any small issues or unclean things would be great to know so we can clean it up before the end of the day
  25. Dank

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    Played within the last 2 weeks
  26. Dank

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    It’s based on active players so not total player count
  27. Dank

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    Seems like you shouldn’t be zerging then big L to you
  28. Dank

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    @Fredy has been informed, we are working on a fix
  29. Dank

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    Update Log 27-04-2023 : The Organisation Rebalance Goodmorning Everyone, Today we will be releasing an update asked for by many. For the lazy people(@..... ) I will put a TL;DR in the bottom. For the rest of you I have an exciting list of changes. I would like to start with a small notion...